The Truth

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Emily's POV

  I opened my eyes in a hotel room. I jumped up. "Tom? Tommy?" I yelled. "He isn't here." A voice said. I turned around to see a young and slender Kit Walker. "Dad!" Tears came from my face as I ran to him. "I know you want answers and I will, but right now you're going to be really freaked out." I backed away. He was gone. "Daddy?" I opened the door and walked out. At the end of the hall was another door. I walked back into the hotel room. "What the hell?" I mumbled. I walked back out and repeated it another time. "You're a ghost, you're trapped in this hotel forever, Emily. Once you get the hang of it you'll be able to go to the whole hotel. You can only be seen if you want to." Kit said as he reappeared. "The creatures fixed me, I came here to do some research on briarcliff and the extra terrestrial before I contacted you. Unfortunately I fell for the Countess. Those who fall for the Countess eventually get replaced and get trapped here. If you die here, you don't leave." He explained. "Dad what about Thomas?" I questioned. "He's alive for now, I'm not sure what they plan to do with him. Let's get you adjusted and go from there." I nodded.

Tom's POV
   "As I assure you, your sister is in the best of hands." James trailed around me. "So her and my father are trapped here?" I whispered. He left the room as the Countess sat beside me on the bed. She showed me a picture of a deformed baby. "This is my Bartholomew. He is in one of these rooms. My sweet baby." She held the picture to her chest. "What do you want from me?" I hissed. "I want you to get answers, from experienced medical examiners." She ran her hand across my shoulder. "Charles and Nora Montgomery, owners of Murder House." I turned my head. "My sister and my father, where are they." I gritted my teeth. "They are trapped here, if you die you stay. Just like Murder House. That is why I need you to do this." I laughed. "You killed them and now they're damned here. Why should I help you?" She stood up. "They won't age, they're souls are immortal, If you will." She explained. "But my Bartholomew, I want him living a happy, healthy life. I need someone to fix him." I stood up. "I refuse to help you, you psychopath bitch." Her eyes grew wide. "You will or I will have you cursed and sent to the freak show!" I laughed. "If anything goes to a freak show, it will be your deformed creature of a baby." She pushed me to the ground. "You have 24 hours to make up your mind, after that, you will be cursed by my good friend Marie Laveau, the VooDoo Queen." I choked as she disappeared. I held my throat as I sat up.

  Walking down the halls I hear crying. "Sally?" I said as she looked up at me. "I should've told you. I'm sorry. We're all stuck here, you have a chance to live!" She cried. "I can't without my family." I kneeled down. "You don't get it, they can't leave! They're dead! I watched her rip your sister apart!" I stood up. "I don't believe a junkie anyways." I marched on. This isn't possible, I have to find my family.

Simply Insanity~ (AHS) A Kit Walker FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now