Breaking Free

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Meanwhile: Back at Briarcliff
I was in Sister Jude's office. After seeing Shelley, Sister Jude thought of a more humane punishment. She had me in front of her desk with my pants down. "Since you went to the bathroom 15 minutes into the movie, I think you should take 15 lashes." She walked over to a bookcase and opened the cabinets, revealing many whips and tassels. "Take your pick." I pointed to a smaller stick. "The big one it is." She picked up a big leather whip with a hard grip on the end. I shut my eyes. I put my arm in my mouth as she began lashing.
I screamed in pain.
I thought I was going to die already.
I could no longer feel my legs.
Blood dripped down my legs, I couldn't scream anymore.
My eyes were swole from crying, my voice hoarse from screaming. I stood in a puddle of blood. "That should do for now. You will take Kit's lashes in the morning." She whistled as the guards grabbed me and drug me to an isolated cell, trailing a puddle of blood. I couldn't hold my eyes open, I lost too much blood. Kit's words gave me hope, he was coming for me. I need to hold on to my hope.

Lana's POV
Today was different. Oliver has the keys on his waist. He moved me to the floor, where only my ankle was shackled. He came in for his daily routine, feeding me and then.... you know. As he got on top of me, I reached around him and grabbed a piece of rock I've been sharpening on my chain for sometime. As I shoved it into his side, I unclipped the keychain. I continuously beat his head with this rock I sharpened. I freed myself and ran upstairs. As I made it out the door, I ran to the nearest store. Everyone looked at me as I was dirty and malnourished. I continued to call 911. As I waited, I saw the news on the tv in this store, the headline read;

Kit Walker to be euthanized this afternoon after attempt to flee Insane Asylum and deny 'Bloody Face' rumor.

I was going to help Kit, and be Briarcliff's hero.

After speaking with the cops, and showing them Oliver's disgusting ways, the freed Kit. Now, we came together and began making plans to help everyone stuck in Briarcliff's reach.

   At least that was how I dreamnt of my escape. I lay there suffering, every day, in the reach of this cruel man.

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