Chapter One - New Beginnings

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I stared up at the old country house and felt a twinge of pain in my heart. It had been almost eight years since I lived here. Almost eight years since I moved away, and only a month since I lost my parents. I spent my whole childhood out here in Texas but when I was no older than twelve me and my family moved. Now I'm back here... because it's all I have left. All I could think about for the past month was the blinding light and heat, the screams of my parents and the red consuming everything in its path. That night took all I had from me... well almost everything. On top of that I had multiple missed calls and letters from distant family that I refused to read and I couldn't take it anymore. The people saying "sorry for your loss" and all the other bullshit when they obviously don't actually care. This old house was my only sanctuary away from all of it. it was quiet and aside from the odd car that would come speeding down the dirt road, I was completely alone. I was starting to regret my decision but I chose to do this and in the end i'll be better for it.

I brushed away the tears that threatened to spill over and walked up onto the patio, with one last deep breath I slid the key into the lock. With a turn of my wrist a clicking sound emitted from the lock and allowed me to open the door. the first thing I noticed was the dust, the warm light of the sun lit it up like little flakes that hung loosely in the air. Every step I took across the creaking floorboards raised up the dust forcing a harsh cough to come up my throat. I covered my mouth with my shirt and took a look around. This place had been completely undisturbed for a long time.

The nostalgia that hit me gave me the smallest amount of comfort but I couldn't dwell for too long, I only have a few hours of sunlight left and I need to make this place at least livable for the night


After a few hours of coughing on more dust I had managed to fix up the main room enough that my lungs could rest. After contemplating I decided I might have just enough time to clean up my room instead of sleeping on that brick of a couch but when I got to the top of the stairs I stopped. Less than twenty feet from me stood the door to my parents room. I saw the flames again and closed my eyes. I must be loosing my fucking mind. I cursed and turned around, going straight back down the stairs. I need some fresh air and the moment I stepped outside, the heat of the flames stopped as the most beautiful sunset presented itself to me. It had been so long since I had seen a sight like this and its beauty seemed like an unreal fever dream. all the air was forced from my lungs as I fell to my knees and memories flooded my head. I looked at the only thing I had salvaged from the fire, a small butterfly knife


"Its beautiful isn't it?"

I spook up as I heard footsteps approached me from behind. The steps halted when I spoke and I now realized only a single person stood behind me. I turned my head to be met with a pair of watery brown eyes.

"You don't have to leave"

I sighed and looked down, the boy took a few careful steps forward before he lowered himself and sat next to me

"You know I don't want to"

Was all I said before we sat in silence. I only dared to look at him when his hand gripped mine, the warmth only stayed from a moment before his hand left mine but a weight still sat in my palm. resting there was his favorite blade, a butterfly knife, blue and black and decorated with an engraving that read N.S. When the realization hit me I shook my head

"Nubbins, I can't take this"

"You'll forget me if you don't have something to remember me by"

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