Chapter Eleven - Be Careful

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"Actually could you do something for me?"

The man asked and I turned to him with a smile

"Yeah of course"

He smiled at me and walked a little closer till he was standing only a foot or two infront of me

"There's a new coffee shop that just opened in town, how about I take you there some time?"

I blushed slightly and laughed nervously

"Oh um... that's very sweet but I'm kinda in a relationship already"

I said and smiled sadly at the man, he raised an eyebrow and turned his head left, then right and shrugged his shoulders

"Well I don't see him anywhere sweetheart"

He said and stepped even closer, I chuckled nervously, not trying to be rude but getting increasingly more uncomfortable

"Yeah, he's right here buddy"

I heard and turned to see Nubbins now standing in my doorway, glaring daggers at the man. I sigh of relief left my mouth as the man stepped back and raised his hands up.

"Right. Sorry, but you got a real pretty girl there"

Nubbins walked down to where I was standing and placed an arm around me

"Yeah I know"

He said, looking down at me, with concern in his eyes. I nodded my head letting him know that I was okay

"You should keep a close eye on her"

The man said and Nubbins send him a look


He spat and the man raised his hands again

"Woah, not because of me... there's been some... things, weird things going on out here. Just watch out"

The man said a Nubbins nodded

"Thanks... I have been"

He said before gently leading me back into the house. As soon as we got in her turned to me and placed his hands on my face

"You sure you're okay?"

I rolled my eyes but smiled

"He just asked me out, a little uncomfortable but nothing I haven't dealt with before"

He pouted

"Other guys asked you out?"

That made me laugh

"Nubbins I lived in Virginia for like eight years of course I got asked out... a lot, it was bound to happen"

"Yeah but you're mine"

I smiled at him


I asked and he sent me a look. He leaned his face down to me

"Yea doll"

I smirked

"Hmm... maybe you should show me then"

His eyes darkened, he didn't need to be told twice. My hips were tightly grabbed and I was backed up into a wall before his hands slipped down to under my ass and I was raised up and slammed against the wall. My legs instinctively wrapped around his waist and his lips attacked mine, not giving me a second to take a breath.


I was pulling on a tight black dress. I adjusted it until it was properly situated. It fell just below my thighs and wrapped beautifully around my chest. It was similar to what I saw most female bartenders wear so I assumed it would work. I decided to put on some flats instead of heels however as standing for a few hours I'm heels would be painful. Not to mention nobody would see my feet behind the bar. I walked down the stairs and Nubbins who was sitting on the couch glaced up at me. I saw his jaw drop as he looked me up and down.


He said quietly and I smiled nervously

"Do I look good?"

He stood up and walked over, pushing some hair behind my ear

"You look beautiful"

I blushed and looked down before he tilted my chin up and kissed me softly.

"I just hate that other guys are seeing you, looking this beautiful"

I snorted out a laugh as he playfully spoke. Before he pulled my keys out of his pocket

"You ready to go?"

He asked and I nodded, quietly grabbing my purse and following him out the door. The sun would start setting soon and as he started driving down the dirt road he spoke

"So I'll pick you up at one when the bar closes"

I nodded and responded

"Yeah just park on the main road and I'll walk to the car"

He turned to me before looking back at the road

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

He asked and I looked at him

"What do you mean?"

"Hun that bar was sketchy, do you real think it's a good idea walking around it at night?"

I smiled softly at his concern but pulled up my dress just enough to show his switchblade, tucked into the band on my garter. I knew it wasn't much but I did see him let out a breath of relief that I at least had something.

"I'll be okay, plus the town isn't that big, there can't be that many bad people"

Nubbins sighed at my words and tighted his grip on the steering wheel

"Tell that to my family"

I opened my mouth to speak but closed it again, not having a good way to respond. Nubbins pulling into a parking spot off the main road and put the car in park. He stopped at turned to me. Be looked at my face and sighed, reaching up and gently placing his hand on my cheek, he stared at me as if he way trying to memorize every detail on my face. I started to blush

"Nubbins I have to go"

I said with a nervous giggle and he nodded but kept looking. He finally leaned in a kissed me before pulling away and leaning his forehead against mine.

"I love you"

He spoke and I smiled, grabbing onto his hands and responding

"I love you too"

Past Love - Nubbins Sawyer X Reader Where stories live. Discover now