Chapter Three - The House

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After calming my blush down I had layed back down on Nubbins chest and his arms wrapped firmly around me in a sense to keep me there. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep again, already being in a half asleep daze. I woke up a few hours later when the sun began to rise, Nubbins was still out cold though and this time I was much more cautious as I got off of him. I slipped off of him very slowly and luckily he stayed asleep. I sighed in relief and looked down at him, he looked so calm. His face was relaxed and his breath was coming out in steady streams every few seconds. After realizing I was staring I pulled my eyes away from him and quietly stepped around my house, making it to the kitchen.

I looked at my watch which read 7:00. I was surprised I got that much sleep, I guess Nubbins was comfy. I laughed at that for a moment before deciding to make breakfast for me and Nubbins. I grabbed some eggs and bacon from the fridge and heated up a pan before beginning to cook. I hummed a tune to myself as I poked at the cooking food with a spatula. The domestic setting was oddly very calming to me, I could definitely get used to this. I was pulled from my calmed state when arms tightly wrapped around my waist and a growl was heard in my ear. I jumped and let out a yelp before hearing loud laughing. I huffed and shuffled so I could turn around In his arms to look at his face

"Very funny"

I said, placing my hands on his chest

"I know it was hilarious"

He said, smirking down at me. I scrunched my nose at him

"Are you gonna let me go?"

I asked and his smile dripped

"But you're so warm"

He said nuzzling into my neck. I giggled and pushed him away

"My eggs are gonna burn"

I said, turning around to flip them, immediately feeling arms around my waist again


I said and he just laughed

"I'm hungry for something other than food"

He said and I scoffed

"You need to get your mind out of the gutter"

I said as I continued to cook, not bothering to move his hands from my waist

"Well hun that's the only place it knows"

He said and I giggled

"You're so stupid"

"It a gift"


The breakfast was really good and full of innuendos and horrible egg puns but I wouldn't have it any other way. I had never laughed or smiled this much since my parents passed or in years to be honest and I realized coming back to Texas was the best choice I ever made.

"So are you gonna head back to your house soon?"

I asked while cleaning the dishes

"Trying to get rid of me?"

I laughed

"No, I was actually gonna ask if I could come back with you, I visited Drayton and Bubba yesterday but Robert- Sorry Chop-Top..."

God that sounded so weird to say

"...and you weren't home, now that I've seen you I would also like to say hello to Chop-Top"

Nubbins looked at me for a second before asking

"... so you were at the house?"

He asked very strangly. I lifted my brow

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