Chapter Two - Familiar

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I stared at him frozen and my mind was blank. Adrenaline still pumped through my veins like a shot of energy but still my body refused to move. Even when he reached for his knife I couldn't move. He fumbled and quickly stood up, now in a defensive stance with his knife pointed at me. On instinct instead of intentionally, my hands raised to block my face and chest if he were to try to attack. I finally pulled myself together when I heard a knife clatter and hit the ground but mine was still tightly gripped in my right hand while my left hand blocked my face. I slowly moved my arm to look at the boy now staring at me with a just as shocked expression that I assumed mimicked my face. I saw him watch my hands. Not only the scar the decorated my left hand but the distinctive blade that refused to leave my grip. I registered that Nubbins dropped his knife. We both stared at each other like a deer in headlights. Before he spoke so softly I barley heard him


The question was so quiet but filled with desperation and fear, truly wondering if I was actually there or if I was another hallucination.


I said my voice almost breaking as tears started running down my face. As soon as I spoke he took a step forward and pulled me into a hug, my knife dropped and sobs fell from my mouth as he held me to his chest. Softly shushing me as I tried to stop the loud sobs that were racking my chest. I refused to let go of him. I thought I missed him but after what just happened and seeing him my emotions and proper thinking seemed to fly out the window. My arms wrapped tightly around his centre as one of his hands held me close and the other pet my hair. After a few moments of trying to think straight and stop crying I pulled away and his hands quickly moved to grip my face and look into my eyes. It seemed that he was desperate to look at me and keep making sure I was actually still here. His brown eyes reminding me of that night in the field and the large mark across his face giving me no doubt of the man that stood infront of me. Now fully looking at him more tears fell from my eyes as I kept my eyes on his

"Its really you"

His voice sounded like honey to me, a sweet melody I had been deprived of for so many years. The tears refused to stop even as he tryed to wipe them away with his thumbs. My mind seemed to push out the fact that we almost killed each other just moments ago because all I could think about now was the way he was looking at me. Neither of us seemed to be able to speak we just kept looking at each other. His hands were pressed against my face while my hands wrapped around his forearms, holding him there even though there was no way he was gonna let go. After what felt like an eternity he spoke again

"You kept the knife"

I shoke out of my state and registered what he said before nodding my head and stuttered out my answer

"Of course I kept it..."

I said and than spotted it now laying on the ground, a few inches from my feet. I itched for it, not liking it sitting on the floor, it was too important for that. The only thing keeping me still was the fact that the importance of that knife was standing infront of me right now.

"... it's one of the the only things I had to remember you"

I said and slowly moved my hands to his and removed them from my face so I could hold them. I could feel the raised skin of his matching scar on my palm and smiled softly.

" I wish I didn't have to remember you... I wish I could have just stayed here"

"But you're here now?"

It was almost a question and I sighed

"Its... it's a long story"

"We have time"

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