Chapter Twelve - First Shift

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Warning: Attempted rape

I stepped out of the car and started walking to the street. Nubbins sat and watched me until I was out of veiw. After a few moments I heard my car start up and the revving of the engine fade into the distance as I walked down the alleyway that lead to the entrance of the bar. I could already hear the music outside and it only got louder as I stepped inside. Eyes followed my as I walked around to behind the bar. The man who interviewed my walked up and smiled at me

"Welcome to you first shift"

I smiled at him and spoke

"Hey um I never actually caught you name"

I said trying to speak over the music

"Names Thomas and you're y/n right"

I nodded my head and he smiled at me

"Well dear, you can throw your purse in one of the lockers at the back, then meet me back out here"

Thomas said, tossing me a key and pointing towards a door. I pushed it open and the music got quieter but there were still loud voices coming from the kitchen. I walked over to the lockers and put my purse in the first open one before locking it. I turned to walked out but two plates we shoved into each of my hands.

"Table six and seat twelve at the bar"

A man said, rushing off before I could even get a word out. I paused for a moment trying to comprehend his words before I stepped back out onto the front of the restaurant with full hands. Thomas walked over and I spoke

"This was table six and seat twelve?"

I said and Thomas laughed

"Frank's already putting you to work huh"

He said taking the plates from hands and placing them at their respective spots before returning to me.

"Don't worry about the food anymore, the server should be in soon, all you need to worry about it taking drink orders right here"

He said pointing the the bar that was quickly filling up with patrons

"Its your first shift so all I need you to do is take the orders and tell me. I'll make them and you hand them out. Write them down if you need to, you ready?"

As soon as I registered everything he told me I nodded and he smiled

"Alright let's do this"

He said. The whole night was fast pace but I kept up with it better than I expected to. The seat numbers at the bar were simple to follow and I watched Thomas make any drinks that I hadn't heard of before, trying to take in as much information as possible while also focusing on the customers. I took an order for a man that had already had four drinks, he definitely had too much but he wasn't disrupting anyone or being loud... yet at least. I placed the drink down infront of him and went to get another order my wrist was grabbed. I turned to the man who spoke

"You're real pretty, haven't seen you around here"

His eyes raked across my body and I let out a breath at the feeling of disgust wrapping itself around me. I ripped my wrist from his grip and said

"I'm new"

Before rushing to the other side of the bar and taking other orders. Trying to forget about how creepy that guy was being but everytime I looked to the other side he was staring at me. I sighed and tried to push away the bad feeling in my chest. After a few minutes I saw his hand fly up ready to order another. I took a deep breath and walked over not noticing Thomas watching the uncomfortable look on my face.

"What can I get ya?"

I asked flatly and he laughed

"So cold darling, I'm sure I could warm you up"

I rolled my eyes

"Are you gonna order something or not?"

I said with a little more force and he narrowed his eyes

"I was trying to nice but if your gonna be a bitch than I'll treat you like a bitch!"

He stood up knocking over the bar chair and Thomas was immediately infront of me after hearing the commotion. The man was fuming and Thomas spoke

"You better not be calling her names or you're gonna need to get the hell out"

He spoke and the whole bar was watching now

"You gonna force me out, huh, tough guy?"

The man said, obviously slurring his words and Thomas spoke, calm and collected

"No but I could tell your wife about all the women you somehow bring into here"

He said and the man seemed to freeze as everyone at the bar was quietly chuckling. He flipped off Thomas and rushed out as I sighed in relief. Thomas than turned to me and looked down at my face

"You okay sugar?"

I nodded

"Yeah, he's just some asshole"

Thomas smiled

"Yeah but make sure you watch out for guys like that, it can get much worse than that"

I nodded and Thomas patted my shoulder before getting back to work. The rest of the night was fine and as time slipped away and fled into the early hours of the morning the bar was emptying out as last call was made. I took the final order and as I gave it to Thomas he spoke.

"You can head out, I got the rest of it"

I smiled

"You sure"

"Yeah I got it, have good night"

I responded the same way and walked out the front door. I got a little lost but saw my car parked in the distance, Nubbins waiting for me. I went to walk over when I felt my bra poking into my skin. I went to adjust it but immediately realized it was the key Thomas had given me, that I had shoved in my bra when it got busy. I now also realized I forgot my purse in the locker. I sighed and turned back around with out much thought, thinking I'll just rush back in grab my purse, give Thomas the key and leave. But before my hand even reached the door handle I was yanked back. I let out a gasp and went to yell but my neck was then grabbed, the pressure on my windpipe causing any sounds to be immediately muffled. I fought to get my breath back but my arms were ripped behind my back by one hand. I could feel how much bigger my attacker was but I wasn't going down easy. I thrashed and fought but froze when I heard the voice

"Fighting only makes it last longer... but that's just fine with me"

He said and I knew it was the man from the bar. The hand was removed from my throat my my face was shoved into the brick wall and I groaned In pain as I heard the jiggle of a belt. My eyes widened and I immediately brought my arm back, hitting the man in the stomach. He stuttered for a moment and I tried to grab my knife under my dress but the tight material was restricting. Just as I manged to get it out. My hands were grabbed again and slammed against the wall. The switchblade falling from my hand and clattering against the payment. I groaned again as the bones of my wrist hit the wall. As I was waiting for the pain to pass I heard more movement of fabric and he grabbed the back of my dress, easily ripping the fabric. I kicked and tried to move but there was nothing I could do and my yells were coming out quietly, my throat sore from the earlier pressure. As my panties were pulled from me I screamed finally loud enough to make any noise but I didn't think that was gonna help me know. Until the man was pulled from my back and I finally could breath again. I turned to see Nubbins fighting the man. I was frozen but the man was much larger than Nubbins and it was a one way fight as the man landed multiple punches in Nubbins. I spotted my knife and picked it up


I yelled and he looked over just long enough to catch the knife I threw and he flipped it open, digging it into the man's stomach. The man froze and let out a guttural sound as Nubbins pulled it out and stepped away. The man fell to the ground, blood pooling around him.

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