Chapter Fifteen - Memories

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The rest of the shift went without a hitch, the cops leaving us alone and me remembering to give Thomas the key back after grabbing my purse. Me and Nubbins walked to the car, I tossed him the keys when he raised his hand and paused outside of the door, looking at the stars. Nothing is the city could compare to the view that was out here, every constellation clear and bright.

"I missed this"

I said and Nubbins came and stood next to me, looking up.

"Do you remember when we would try to name the constellations?"

He asked and I giggled

"We were always so wrong, I swear we called that one "onions belt" "

Nubbins laughed and spoke

"Oh we definitely did"

I smiled and Nubbins opened the car door for me as I stepped in before he walked over to his own side. I cranked the window down and breathed in the cool night air as we started driving. Nubbins reached over and rested a hand on my thigh. I smiled at the feeling and leaned my head back, happy to feel this calmness again. The drive home was quiet and comfortable. My heartbeat would have been slow if it wasn't for Nubbins hand sitting a little too far up on my thigh, the tips of his fingers dipping into my inner thighs. I almost wished I wore a skirt now but I blushed and pushed those thoughts out of my head, telling myself that I wasn't ladylike to think like that. We pulled into my driveway. The streetlight just bright enough to guide our way as we exited the car and entered my house.

I sighed, threw my purse on the entry way table and flopped down on the couch. Nubbins came and sat next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as I leaned into him. I could hear the crickets crirping through the open windows and a light buzzing sound coming from the streetlight. The nostalgic sound calmed me and as I closed my eyes Nubbin spoke

"So everyone in this town is fucked"

He said and I let out a dry laugh.

"What do you mean?"

I asked and he responded

"While you were busy serving after the cops came, that bartender told me about the shit that happens in this area... not to mention what almost happened to you"

I opened my eyes and looked up at him

"Yeah... feels like we are the only normal people for miles"

Nubbins chucked at that

"I wouldn't exactly call us normal"

He said and I giggled

"Okay true but like... nevermind I can't think of a example of normal when it comes to us"

"Well not anymore at least, we were pretty normal as kids though"

He said and I nodded with a smile thinking about all the things we did as kids

"Remember when we found all of Draytons girly mags"

Nubbins began to laugh loudly at the memory and I couldn't help but laugh as well


"I know Drayton has some in his room"

Nubbins said as he pulled me throughout the house. Nubbins had lost his knife but we needed a new one because we wanted to cut some rope and try to make a rope swing off of the tree in the front yard. Lucky Drayton was at work because he would kill us if he found us in his room.

"Check that drawer"

Nubbins said and pointed to the bedside table as he began rummaging through his Draytons dresser. I was more careful as I opened up the dresser and gently moved things around looking for a knife. I saw the flash of one and smiled, picking it up but as I was about to close the dresser I saw a bright color at the bottom of the drawer and pulled it out. I gasped loudly when I saw what it was and Nubbins walked over to see what all the fuss was about. His eyes almost bulged out of his head at what it was. A bright pink magazine with a topless woman on it. I immediately dropped it and shook my head while Nubbins eyes seed glued to the woman on the cover. I slapped him on the back of the head and he looked away and back to me

"We should go now"

I said tugging on his arm but we were too late

"What the fuck do you think you're doing in my room!?"

Drayton said slamming his bedroom door open. I jumped and me and Nubbins ran past Drayton out of the room as he chased after us, screaming profanities and threats


"What in our stupid kid brain said it would be better to check Draytons room first instead of the kitchen"

I said though laughs and Nubbins responded

"Cuz pissing off my brothers I what I used to live for"

He said and I scrunched my nose

"If I remember I was holding and ice pack to your eye for hours after Drayton caught up to you"

I winced thinking about the black eye he was left with for weeks

"Oh but you took such good care of me"

He said and I rolled my eyes

"I wouldn't have to if you didn't get hurt so often"

"But it was so worth it cuz than you would be doting over me all day to make sure I was okay"

I blushed and shook my head with a smile

"You better stop being all cute and blushing like that or imma give you something to really blush about"

Against my will my blush got darker at his comment and he smirked. But I quickly realized what he meant when he raised his hands

"Nubbins no"

I said scooting away from him but his hands got closer


I warned but his hands still shot out. I jumped of off the couch but he was quick to follow as I ran up the stairs. He was right on my heels as I ran into my room and slammed the door closed. He leaned against it but didn't put any full weight on the door yet

"Come on hunny, you can't stay in there forever"

He said in a sing song voice and I took a deep breath and giggled

"Oh I can and I will, I'm not letting you get me this time"

There was silence of a moment and than I heard a sigh

"Fine you win"

He said and I heard footsteps walking away. I let out a relieved sigh and went over to sit on my bed. Luck wasn't on my side because I immediately heard footsteps rushing towards to door and it slammed open making me jump. I couldn't even get out a protest as Nubbins jumped on top of me and started tickling my sides.

"Nubbins no!"

I screeched out through pained laughing, trying to force him off of me but he refused to stop. My hands were slamming against his chest probably leaving bruises but I couldn't care at this point I just needed him to stop

"Truce, truce please Nubbins i'll do anything!"

I whined as tears started streaming down my face at my unwanted laughter. Nubbins finally pulled his hands away and let me catch my breath as I slapped him in the chest one more time. I couldn't even find it in myself to be upset. Even though I wanted to give him my signature pout my lips couldn't help the smile that painted them. Nubbins smirked down at me

"Anything huh?"

He said and I tilted my head confused, not realizing that in my earlier compromised state I had made an offer. He rolled his eyes playfully at my confused look and spoke

"You said you would do anything to make me stop... and I did... so?"

He said and I narrowed my eyes playfully

"Yeah you did stop and I didn't have to do anything"

He smirked and raised his hands again and I grabbed his wrist

"No, no..."

I sighed but kept speaking

"Fine what do you want?"

I asked and a glint came to his eyes

Past Love - Nubbins Sawyer X Reader Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant