Chapter Five - Blood and Black Lace

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I shoot up and stared at the door... was my sleep deprived mind playing tricks on me? I listened...


The panicked yell made my heart jump but I couldn't move. More banging shook me out of my fear and I rushed to the door. I was so out of it that I opened the door without even checking who it was. The second the door opened a man stumbled in, blood covered his body. He pushed me out of the way and slammed the door shut. Locking it and rushing around, closing every set of curtains he could. Before collapsing next to the door with loud, strained breathing. I was shocked but the man was obviously in pain and needed help. With my arm around his waist and some dragging, I pulled him to the couch, not caring about the blood and rain water that stained my couch. The man was struggling to breath and I couldn't seem pinpoint one single source of the blood pouring from the mans body, it seemed like it was everywhere.

I rushed to the kitchen and filled a large bowl with warm water and grabbed a cloth before rushing back into the living room. I placed that down next to him before running upstairs. I grabbed the old medical kit I knew would be in the closet and rushed back down to the man. He was looking at the ground with wide eyes, he had to be In shock. I placed a blanket that was one the back of the couch across his shoulders and tried to get him to look me in the eyes. I placed my hands on the sides of his face and finally got a good look at him. I paused...

I knew this man, he was the one that came to my door earlier with his friends.

"What the fuck happened to you?"

I whispered barley even hearing what I was saying. I didn't have time to be shocked I needed to make sure this poor guy didn't die on my couch. I grabbed the cloth from the warm water and started to wipe off his face and head, luckily only a bump was on his head, he was no doubt concussed by the way his eyes were reacting to the lights but atleast there was no blood coming from his head other than a split lip. But that meant...this wasn't his own blood. I continued down to his chest. His shirt was basically destroyed so I grabbed scissors from the medical kit and cut off his shirt, throwing the torn material on the floor. I saw a large gash across his ribs. It seemed to be where most the blood on his stomach was coming from.

I tried to look up at him again but he was still dazed. I pulled away a grabbed his face again.

"Hey I need you to come back now... God please"

The mans eyes finally met mine.


He looked at me and I tilted my head.

"Where's Carly?"

He asked and when I shook my head he stood up.

"I need to find her!"

More blood came gushing out of his rib and I rushed to push him back down. He was delirious and I needed to keep him here

"You won't last ten minutes out there with this much blood loss, listen, you let me fix this and I will help you look for Carly"

I kept my hands on his shoulders keeping him down. He looked at me with tears in his eyes but finally relaxed and layed back. I looked back at the cut and reached into the medical kit pulling out alcohol.

"This is gonna hurt"

I said and undid the cap, taking a breath before pouring a generous amount on the slice. It bubbled and the man screamed out


I winced not wanting to even think about how much that probably hurts. He clinched his hands into the couch and I finally noticed the two fingers missing from his left hand. I couldn't even examine it right now, I need to keep this from bleeding. I pressed the wet cloth to the cut and asked him to hold it there, with pressure, he did as I instructed. I dug into the medical kit and pulled out a gauze pad, not having enough experience or materials to stitch it, this would have to do. After the bleeding had slowed. I gently removed the cloth, throwing it back In the cooling water. I pressed the gauze pad to the cut and kept it pressed there with some medical tape. I made sure that area was clean before moving to his hand. I couldn't believe his missing fingers were less of a concern than his ribs. Did he even knew they were gone. I didn't want to shock him more so I just did the same with his fingers. They were a lot more dirty and as I pulled rocks and chunks of dirt from the bloody stumps he was squirming in pain. I apologize every time till it was clean enough to pour the alcohol on it. Another apology and than I wrapped it up, the best I could with the awkward placement. I cleaned the blood off the rest of his blood and by the end he seemed to be more "here" in a sense. I was putting away the medical kit but knew I should be prepared to use it again in the near future if the wounds started bleeding again. When I came down the man had moved from his sitting position to laying down. I sat down on the floor next to him an asked

"Are you okay?"

"No I'm not fucking okay!"

He said I looked down at my stupid question as he breathed out

"Sorry I just... I almost died... I might still die... Lady you gotta get me to a hospital"

I gave him a sad look and spoke up

"Don't you think I would've done that if I could?"

He sent me a questioning look and I answered

"Listen the nearest hospital is more than an hour away... you weren't gonna last that long with your injuries... and not to mention, this rain turns all those dirt roads to thick mud... no way my car is moving in it... We have to wait atleast till morning when the storm stops and the roads are dry again"

The guy sighed out and I saw tears brim at his eyes. I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey you're gonna be okay, your safe now... but if you don't mind me asking... what happened?"

I had noticed when cleaning his fingers that they were dirty but the cut was clean and precise... not something an animal could do. His face turned to anger.

"Fucking freaks..."

As he spoke up I took the bowl of now bloody water to the kitchen, still listening to him

"The guy that hurt Carly... had this disgusting red mark on his face"

All of my movements ceased as my back was to him


I asked shakely

"It was four men... God they probably killed all of them"

I sob racked his chest and my heart was racing a million miles a second.

"What did they look like?"

I forced out from my throat, almost choking on my own words and turning to him. My question caught him off guard

"I- I don't know-"

Head said with wide eyes

"You said one of them had a mark on his face, what about the others!?"

He froze before trying to remember

"Um I-I didn't see the faces of the other guys, I just heard them... but one of them... I couldn't even tell if he was even human... had to be atleast a foot taller if not more than everyone else"

My chest tighten and I felt like I couldn't breath. I felt bile coming up my throat and had to force it back down. My body wasn't responding to me anymore and I fell to my knees. The bowl slipping from my hamds and shattering around my legs, glass peircing my legs the man turned to me at the loud noise

"Are you okay?"

I didn't listen to him as I forced myself off the ground, the cuts stung but I ignored them. Limping over to him, finally realized a large peice of glass had sliced the back of my knee causing a harsh limp. I pushed myself to him.

"We have to leave now"

He looked at me as I tried to help him up

"B-but the storm?"

I knew my car was gonna have trouble in the mud but It was more than worth a shot

"Listen I would rather crash my car than wait for them to find you here. We have to go now"

The man finally nodded and I tired to help him stand but a knock rang on the door... I almost dropped him at the sound as we both stared at the door. As soon as another knock landed on the door the lights shuttered and shattered. Painting everything in darkness


I heard through the door and my heart sunk at the voice.

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