Chapter Six - Hatred

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The voice shook my body but I didn't hesitate to move.

"I gotta hide you"

I whispered to myself and pulled the man up. With all my strength I pulled him to the kitchen, just out of veiw of the door but the darkness should also help cover him. The knocking continued and I yelled back

"One sec!"

He man grabbed me

"You know them!?"

I shushed him

"If I was with them I wouldn't have saved your fucking life"

I said and pulled myself away from him. I wiped the blood off of one of my hands and grabbed a candle and lit it.

"Don't move and don't make a sound"

I said before limping to the door. I looked at my bloody legs and one bloody hand...I had to be careful about this. I took a deep breath before pulling the door open

Trying to keep my face straight was tough, one blood soaked hand hidden behind my door and my legs hidden the same way. I gave a dead pan look when the now candle illuminated face looked at me

"Chop it's pouring rain why are you outside?"

I said looking at his drenched figure. He paused and looked at me. My lip was quivering but I was managing to keep my face straight

"... I'm just looking for Nubbins"

He didn't seem to notice my nerves but I noticed his and spoke

"Even Nubbins isn't dumb enough to go out in this weather"

"You would be surprised"

He said but my limp made my step stutter and he looked at me. He stared for a second before trying to look over my shoulder into my house but the darkness was giving him nothing to look at

"Look if I see him I'll call, but you should go home before you catch a cold"

I went to close the door but Chop put his foot in between the door frame

"Why are you being so weird?"

He asked pulling the door open I pushed it back just enough to cover my body again before he could see

"I'm not being weird I'm just tired and don't want to deal with this stupid shit tonight"

I couldn't move my hand from behind the door to push him out, making me seem even weirder. His earlier worried face dropped and he shot me a straight face

"You sure nobody came by tonight?"

He said with zero emotion and I swallowed at his face but forced myself to roll my eyes and scoff.

"We are in the middle of the Texas desert I haven't seen anyone but you guys in weeks"

He looked at me... he knew I was lying...

"Okay yeah, you're right... sweet dreams"

He said walking away... I had to fix this


I said and he turned to me

"Some kids did come by earlier, I told them that they might need your help"

His face dropped, his suspicion of me faltering

"Oh yeah... they stopped by, we got them into town"

But now my suspicion was confirmed. I nodded and said goodnight before shutting the door with heavy breath. I almost started crying and hyperventilating but I forced myself to breath. I locked the door again and rushed back over go the man in the kitchen. But I froze when I got there, he was holding a knife and pointing it at me. I immediately raised my hands... I had nothing to protect myself

"You do know them!"

He said and I backed up, dropping the candle and throwing us back in darkness but he didn't stop

"You sent us right to their fucking doorstep!"

I kept walking backwards

"I didn't know!"

I shot back and he laughed

"Yeah right"

"Why the fuck would I save your life If I was helping them"

He didn't respond but my back hit the wall and with a flash of lightning the knife was now pressed to my throat

"Maybe I should show them what it's like to lose someone you care about... after what they did to Carly-"

I raised my leg as hard as I could a brought it to his groin making him fall back In pain. The jolt made him cut my throat, not deep enough to kill me but enough to hurt like hell. He fell to the ground and I stared at him for a second. Realizing the massive amount of blood pouring from his ribs. The movment must have split it open. I didn't know what to do at this point but just then he was out. The blood loss must have finally gotten to him. I walked around him and leaned against the couch. He just tried to kill me... after I saved him. I couldn't help the fear and anger that coated my nerves... my emotions were everywhere. I sat in the darkness. Staring at the door as my eyes slowly adjusted I didn't know when the rain stopped or the sun started coming up but the mans body never moved...

I was shook out of my trace when sun flashed through the window and stung my bloodshot eyes. I groaned in pain, it felt like I hadn't blinked in hours. The blood on my neck had dried and I finally looked at the mans body. I gasped and hurried crawled over, trying to check his pulse. I could definitely feel my heartbeat but I was so shaky that I was having trouble finding his if it was even there. He had lost so much blood... and it was all my fault. I looked outside quickly seeing the mostly dry roads and with the little strength I had left I lifted the mans body, pulling him outside and to my car. I threw him in the back seat and got into the front myself. I started driving down the road trying to keep the wheel steady.

My mind was racing but in the far back under everything rational.. I knew I wasn't going to be able to force myself to drive him to the nearest hospital or even the police station because every time I thought of Nubbins... even after knowing that he did this I couldn't stop the love I felt for him. Sobs fell from my mouth as tears poured from my eyes... I couldn't believe what I was going to do. I pushed my foot on the gas harder and pulled into their lawn, tearing grass up, my engine rumbling. It took less than a second for the Sawyers to all pile onto the porch and when I stepped out of the car their faces ran pale. Dried blood was matted in my hair from my neck. My arms coated up to the elbow in dark red and my legs still bleeding from moving. None of them said anything but just looked at me in shock. Nubbins finally spook up.

"Fucking hell, are you okay!?"

He tried to run up to me, fear in his eyes but I stepped back and looked at him with heavy breaths. When he saw the fear he was causing in me, he stopped, mere feet away from me. Tears kept falling and my breathing was unsteady and fast. Nubbins reached out to me


"He almost killed me"

Nubbins paused and looked back at the boys before turning to me. He spoke up


"Next time you have a problem, don't get me fucking involved"

I said pushing past him with as much force as I could muster and ripping open the back door, just to pull the mans body out of the back seat and onto the ground. Without another word I slammed the back door and walked back to the front not even daring to look at Nubbins knowing if I did I would want to run into his arms and cry. I slammed my foot on the gas again and went home with my mind yelling at me that I just sent that man to his death.

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