Chapter Thirteen - Don't Leave

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I stared down at the man as blood quickly spread, coating my shoes. Nubbins and I both stood still for a moment, comprehending the situation. The man was struggling for breath, blood rushing out of his mouth in coughs as his eyes looked at us in desperation. The coughing was getting lighter and the mans eyes drifted before they glossed over and every sound stopped. The scene in the alley seemed to cause a spell of silence and my breath stuttered, my heartbeat in my ears as I felt my hands shaking.

I was pulled back into the moment as Nubbins slipped his jacket off and pulled it around me, tying it around my waist to cover the back of my ripped dress.

"Hey are you okay?"

I looked up at him now as he held my face in his hands

"I- I think so"

I turned to look at the man again but Nubbins kept his hands firm on my face

"No honey look at me"

He searched my eyes

"You still here with me?"

I finally took in a deep breath and nodded

"I'm here with you"

Nubbins nodded but I could feel his hands shaking on my face

"Can we go?"

I asked and Nubbins looked at the body again. I heard his breath stop for a moment before he nodded and gently gripped my wrist, pulling me to the car. Neither of us noticing the key that had been dropped in the process was sitting in a puddle of blood. We got in the car and as Nubbin put the key in the ignition I could see his hands shaking and though I was here, I didn't know if he was.


I asked but he seemed to not even hear me


I asked again and he stared ahead at nothing in particular


I said another time, placing my hand on his arms. He jumped slightly and looked at me. I gave him a look of sympathy. And placed my steady hands on his shaking ones.

"I'll drive"

The situation seemed oddly familiar as I climbed over to the drive seat and he walked around to the passenger side. I readjusted my seat before heading back home. I tried to keep my eyes on the road but I kept looking over at Nubbins whom couldn't seem to look anywhere but his hands as they convulsed in his lap. I kept wanting to say something but words were failing me at this moment so I just pressed my foot on the gas, wanting to get home as fast as possible. I bit my lip, not stopping even when I began to taste the copper of my blood. I finally pulled infront of my house. I got out and moved over to Nubbins side only to see him numbly stumble out. I grabbed his arms to make sure he didn't fall before leading him into the house. When we got in I sat him on the couch and rushed into the kitchen. Filling a glass in the sink before moving back over to Nubbins. I handed him the glass, making sure he had a tight grip on it before letting go myself.

"Nubbins dear are you okay?"

"Im the same"

He whispered under his breath and I tilted my head before asking


"I'm a monster just like the rest of them!"

He cried out and I paused as he stared up at me with pleading eyes. I sighed finally understand what he was talking about before I spoke

"You're not a monster"

I said firmly and he shook his head, dropping the glass of water to spill on the couch as he stood up.

"Its in my blood, it's like I can't stay away from it if I tried"

I went to stand up and give him a hug but as I reached out for him he pulled away

"You should just stay away from me. Look at what I've already put you through... I- I can't do that to you"

I looked at him trying to comprehend his words.

"Nubbins you can't think like that"

I said trying to reach out for him again but he pulled away even more

"No, you should just forget about me, you're better off without me"

He said heading for the door but as his hand reached the handle my emotions overflowed

"Don't you fucking dare walk out that door!"

Nubbins turned to me, his face in shock at my tone. I walked up to him and with his back to the door he couldn't get away from me this time

"I don't know if you exactly remembered what happened out there but I sure fucking do!"

I said pointing out the window down the road as I stared in his eyes

"You call yourself a monster... than what the hell does it make the man that was trying to rape me?"

I asked as he just stared at me

"...Hun...I... I didn't mean to make this about me"

"Well we are kinda past that now, aren't we? So you can keep calling yourself a monster and walk out that goddamn door..."

I said pointing behind him before continuing

"...or you can shut your mouth, take a breath and comfort your girlfriend whos life you just saved"

I said as tears stinged the corners of my eyes and as Nubbins heard what I said and saw the look I was giving him. His eyes immediately switched. He grabbed onto me and held me to his chest, his hand ran across my hair as I tried to hold in the tears that threatened to run down my cheeks. He brought me back over to the couch and pulled me onto his lap so he could hold me closer. I leaned my head on his chest and he spoke

"I'm sorry... it's just... that man-"

I stopped him with a finger to his lips and spoke

"You did what you had to do to protect me... you're not like them... you saved me"

I said and he looked in my eyes, raising a hand to my cheek. His thumb ran soothingly across my cheek before he spoke

"You're too good to me"

He said and I smiled softly before leaning up and planting a kiss on his lips. I than looked at him

"I'm just telling you the truth"

He nuzzled his head into my neck and planted kisses across my collar bone

"I would do anything to protect you"


~Thomas' POV~

The bar was almost empty as people finished their drinks. That new girl did a good job at keeping things running but it was still a long shift. I reached into my back pocket pulling out a pack of smokes deciding to take a short break before closing up for the night. I walked out to the front and leaned against the wall, pulling out a match. I lit the cigarette and took a deep inhale, holding it in my lungs before exhaling the smoke through my nose. I shut my eyes feeling the nicotine calming my tensed muscles. I went to take another inhale when I felt my foot slip. I caught myself and regained my footing before looking down. I noticed both of my feet were planted in a sticky liquid and I followed the puddle before my eyes landed on the body laying on he ground. I sighed and looked at the fimilar face

"Oh John, you knew this was gonna happen one day"

I said assuming one of his loan sharks finally got sick of waiting to get paid back before I noticed something flash in the moonlight. I looked closer and realized what it was. I picked up the blood covered copper key and than looked out into the distance and whispered to myself

"... oh Sugar what did you do?"

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