Mind Control

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TW- Blood

Peter was currently sat next to Ned, they were both forced to stay behind from school by MJ for a last minute decathlon practise. None would dare to complain about having to stay an extra hour, deep down they knew they needed to practise as a team. Everyone was clearly aware that Peter was the smartest one there. They were constantly reminded of that, when he answered every question almost instantly. Despite the fact he did not particularly need the practise, he was adamant to help out especially for MJ.

"Ok, next question's for Peter. What are the 3 elements of matter?" MJ questioned, eyes embedded into Peter's.

Peter answered instantly, hardly giving MJ the chance to finish the question. "Gas, Liquid, Solid",  he could feel his cheeks heat up slightly after receiving an impressed smile from MJ. He thought to himself why she was impressed from his answer, the question to him felt as if it could off been from a children's show. Hardly very difficult.

Flash obviously thought the same as he abruptly began to complain, "How come Penis Parker gets all the easy questions?".

MJ gave Flash a death glare before responding, "Fine, ask Peter a difficult question" she said, gesturing her hand outwards towards Peter's now targeted frame.

"Uhh y-yeh alright, hmm... ok, got one. How do you calculate density?" Flash stated with a smug face towards Peter.

Peter could have laughed at the fact Flash believed that was a hard question, "Density is mass divided by volume".

Flash replied almost instantly, "HA! you're wrong! Density is volume divided by mass".

MJ cut in before Peter had the chance to reply, "No, Peter's actually right Flash. Density is mass divided by volume."

Peter could no longer hide the laugh, he had been subconsciously holding in. Flash was far from impressed by the teams giggles surrounding the room, embarrassment burst through his body. "Yeh t-that's what I meant to say obviously, I thought Penis s-said something else." Flash's attempts to try and recover from his obvious incorrect and snarky reply even made MJ giggle slightly.

"W-whatever, get on with the questions losers", Flash said ducking his head slightly and pretending to now be occupied on his phone.

Peter glanced over to MJ and gave her an appreciative smile, which she mimicked instantly. The teens moment was quickly interrupted, when Peter's phone began to ring. Back to Black began playing obnoxiously loud, the teen knew it was Tony calling straight away. He sent Mj and apologetic look, "Sorry, I need to take this". Peter made his way out of the hall and quickly answered the phone.

"Hello?" Peter said in a sort of whisper, not wanting to disturb the on going decathlon practise.

"Hey kid, just thought I would let you know Happy can't pick you up today. Pepper kind of stole him from me to take her to some meeting, I would pick you up myself but if I leave these lunatics in the tower alone it will probably absorb into a black hole or something."

Peter let out a giggle, knowing Tony was referring to the other avengers. Clint and Scott have recently been quite mischievous since they both moved in. They would prank each other and even Peter one time, it was a failed attempt as his spider senses warned him. "No problem Mr Stark, I will walk to the tower."

"Alright, sorry kid. I will make it unto you with ice cream and Star Wars later." Tony replied.

"No proble-" Peter was in the middle of responding when Tony cut him off unintentionally.

"HEY! Scott put that down! Clint no! Sorry kid I got to go, see you later" Tony sounded slightly stressed, before Peter could respond the phone cut off.

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