Zetsu x Seductive!Biologist!Reader

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Request: ooooohhh im on that open request wave please bless us with some hcs or a short fling or what-have-you about zetsu with a manic and inadvertently seductive biologist for a mission partner òwó nsfw or not, your writing fuels me

Warnings: None


Zetsu was surprised when Pain first assigned him a mission partner.

The Akatsuki was taking on a new recruit, but their special skills were a little unique.

Pain explained that their skills could be utilized better by Zetsu's side than any of the other members.

Zetsu always thought he worked better on his own, but he wasn't one to go against Pain's judgement. So he complied; even after meeting the excitable person.

Weirdo, was his first thought upon meeting them, but that was mostly Black Zetsu.

White Zetsu on the other hand, was excited to have someone accompanying him during their tasks!

"Hmm... something on your mind, Zetsy? You've been awfully quiet." You grinned, drawing Zetsu from his thoughts and Black Zetsu had to restrain himself from snapping at you.

Zetsu was a title he could handle, but Zetsy? No. Nope.

White Zetsu didn't mind it though, smiling and even blushing as he replied to you easily.

"Not much. Is there something you'd like to talk about, Y/N? You've been a bit quiet yourself."

"Oh, not necessarily." You started, "Just observing the environment. Plants, animals... and the like." You smiled, but there was something off about your smile as you side-eyed him.

White Zetsu blushed.

Zetsu wasn't the most deductive person, but sometimes you would say things that just felt suggestive and he couldn't tell if you meant them the way he was hearing them.

So he never said anything about it, but with each quip he started to wonder if you were perverted and depraved or just completely oblivious.

Or maybe he was the perverted one. If you really meant nothing by it, he was the one making it sexual when it wasn't, after all.

Zetsu sighed, all this analyzing gave him a headache; even more so than he anticipated when Pain told him he'd be receiving a partner— and for a completely different reason.

Zetsu had never had to deal with receiving any type of... special attention. He'd always stayed in the shadows; those who saw him and knew him either being associates or had already had the life leave their eyes.

So when he met you, it was a strange change of pace.

You being confident, intelligent, outgoing, and attractive; even by his standards.

Yes, Zetsu was undeniably attracted to you, which only confused him more when it came to your ever teasing tone and suggestive nature.

He couldn't tell if you were truly interested in him or if his mind was just making it into something it wasn't.

Trying to take his mind off it, he looked over to you... only to see you squatting at the edge of a pond, curiously running your fingers over a plant that he couldn't quite identify.

Gentle and careful, he wished you would run your fingers over him that way. Looking, touching, and oh so curious. Wanting to know more about him.

A wanderluster, you were. But he found himself wishing your lust was directed elsewhere...

As if sensing his stare, you turned your head to face Zetsu, and smiled as he was already facing you.

"Hey, Zetsu... come take a look at this plant. It's rare around here!" You grinned, and there was something about your tone that compelled Zetsu to listen.

He knew they had an objective... but it wasn't time sensitive, and if he was going to be distracted by something, he figured it might as well be you of all people.

So with a sigh, he veered off the trail you'd both been walking on and came to join you, squatting at the edge of the pond.

You giggled as you inspected the plant, and Zetsu tilted his head.

"What is it?" He asked, and you weren't sure if he was talking about the plant or what you were laughing at.

"Aldrovanda vesiculosa, otherwise known as the waterwheel plant. It's carnivorous, and oh that shade of green! Could it be... ?" You asked, holding up the plant next to Zetsu's face, "...brothers?" You asked, smiling after a moment as Zetsu processed the stupid joke.

Zetsu's eyebrows furrowed as you started laughing, dropping the plant and holding your stomach as he deadpanned.

Ah yes, comparing him to a plant, something that would make Zetsu snap if it were coming from anyone other than you.

But for you... Zetsu had a different way to deal with the disrespect.

Zetsu reached into your bag without a word, and your laughing calmed as you watched him search through your bag, curious of his intentions.

After a bit of rummaging, he pulled out a banana you had been planning to eat later, and started to inspect it.

"A banana. Very interesting species, and oh, look at that shade of yellow! Could it be... ?" He asked, holding the banana up next your face, "Relatives... ?" He mocked, and you promptly burst into laughter at his comeback.

He smirked as your laughing, happy as you smiled.

You chuckled as your laughter started to calm again, "Man, Zetsu. You are hilarious. I think the best part is how creative your jokes are. Seriously. How do you come up with this stuff?" You quipped, smirking challengingly at Zetsu as he prepared a witty comeback.

But any sort of comeback died in his throat as he saw the look in your eyes, the glitter of mirth and confidence in your eyes, with a hint of something else...

Attraction? No... it couldn't be, right?

But he didn't really care what it was as he looked into your eyes. They were so beautiful, and so full of fire. He felt like he could stare into your eyes for hours.

And for once, as you leaned closer to his face and your eyes drifted closed, Zetsu wasn't conflicted.

He knew exactly what to do as your lips brushed against his.

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