the first move

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"Bell,go to mount weather, i know what i said before, but i just wasnt thinking straight, i was too upset," i really didnt want him to but at the same time i know he would have gone anyway so whats the point in saying no if he wont even listen to me.

Bellamy was gone with about five minutes before i came running to find him.I don't know why but i had a good feeling that he's at the drop ship."Bellamy," i shouted hoping he would hear me."Clarke?" he shouted back at me.,"Don't come any closer clarke,"he said it like it was an order,"why?"I said like I was ready to run,"because...because if you come any closer I will have the urge to kiss you and I won't be able to let you go and I just won't want to leave you go," I just wanted to do the opposite of what he told me todo,"too late,"and I ran over into his arms, as soon as I reached his arms he held me tight this was the moment when I knew I was in love with Bellamy Blake.
A million and one things were racing in my mind but the only one I cared about,Clarke.
I love her so much but I don't know if she loves me or if she ever will.
" where did that come from princess?"I asked with a smirk painted across my face."I've been wanting to do that for a while and now was the right time," "well your right about that princess,'' I said in a very controlled voice.I loved her but it was too soon to tell if she loved me...

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