1 more baby in heaven...

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it has been a month since everyone found out i was pregnant and todays scan time oh the joy (sarcasm my besto)

in the med bay... "okay clarke i need to tell you something sweety" oh sounds serious "yeah mom" okay throw it at me "you had a miscarage sweety the baby was so small that we dont have to sergically remove it it should come out with your next period okay sweety ,i am so sorry honey are you okay?" "am i okay? oh well i dont know this is the only happiness i mean real happiness me and bellamy have had since charlotte killed herself and it has been taken away from us after all the excitement of it," okay i shouldnt have snapped like that "mom i am so sorry i shouldnt have snapped at you it just came out i am so sorry" wow i am crazy at the moment how will i tell bellamy?"sweety its okay you need to go tell bellamy first okay now run along" okay ill just tell him i will stay strong and i will just tell him okay,

5 minutes after clarke left she is at bellamys casually talking when all of a sudden she has the courage to talk up "bellamy i had a miscarage the baby is dead i am so so sorry i didnt know how else to tell you with out bursting out in tears in the middle of it do you hate me?"


"princess i could never hate you think of it this way we werent ready and now that little baby is dead and theres one more angel in heaven and when we are ready we will try again and that little angle will come back to us ten times stronger okay it will be okay" my child is dead but i will stay strong for clarke only clarke ."thank you" "for what" "being there the whole time since we first stepped on earth you may not have noticed but whenever i needed you you came and visa versa "princess i have loved you from the second i saw your face now im a believer of love not a doubt in my mind im in love i couldnt see ya till i believe were out of my mind which was never."


"okay well im going for a walk down to the river alone ill be back soon love you babe" okay i feel better now "you too"

The 100 the real Bellarke storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin