lCharlotte coming!!!! with luna!!!!!!

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3 days later....

A.N: luna is not my idea it was my friends and she gave me permission to use her as a charactor


"luna wake up its time to go to see your brother come on hurry up i cant wait to see bellamy and ..... clarke" i say "luna what if clarke desnt forgive me for killing wells maybe she was right i am a killer and oh no....." "what is it charl?" "the chancoler what if jaha excecutes me i cant take the risk then ill really be dead" ugh life is so hard when you kill one boy i mean look at the amount bellamy has killed "charlotte i have been watching them the whole time, abbie griffen is the new chancoler and kane has gone soft because he fell in love with abbie and thelonious is gone with murphy and a few others to the city of light because when he was in mount weather he got monty out and eradiated everything and now the grounders and the 48 are all out and okay so he decided to go with jaha they might not even make it back alive and bellamy will forgive you and clarke stabbed finn so the grounders wouldnt toture him for a truce because he killed a village because he was looking for clarke in the first place evrything will be okay,"a smile spread straight across my face a genuine smile not a smirk like i usually give "okay lets go so"

3 hours later :

"luna we have been walking for hours are we nearly there?" "look" she says while pulling a branch of a tree back to reaveal what looked like the circuler part of the ark still standing. "WOW THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!" i exclaim and luna grabs my hand as we run toward camp "OPEN THE GATE" a man shouts wait..........i know that voice is it? IT IS! "BELLAMY!" I shout whilst running towards him luna walking / jogging behind me i see bellamy and i run at him he bends down so he could hug me and as i hug him he picks me up and spins me around which makes me lagh and he says "i missed you munchkin" "i missed you too bell" "do you wanna go see clarke " "yeah why isnt she with you?"


"i picked her up and went into her tent but when i was pretending to drop her on the floor i actually dropped her on the floor and she bruised her ass bone"

"bellamy you really need to be more precausious." "what a big word from a little girl im sorry how old are you now ?" wow i sound like and old man "13 in 2 days for your information" wow i feel so old" no way little charlotte is going to be big grumpy teenager charlotte hmm i guess when you turn 13 your not gonna want hugs from your favourite guys in the world" monty said and jasper gives a small"mhm" meaning yes "of course i will love to hug you guys still i am not going to be turning into grumpy charlotte over night it takes time and im sure bellamy trying to protect me will help the grumpiness now if i remember i havent hugged you guys in what feels like a million years get over here" aww shes too cute and i think if she hangs anround with my princess she'll become little miss grumpy with her help all im tryna do is protect her like i did octavia but lincoln tok over on that one so woohooo."okay hugs over i need to see clarke i miss her soo much she was like a mom to me" " okay munchkin lets go" we walk up to clarkes tent and shes awake scetching her ass must feel better"hey princess come outside i got someone to see you" aww shes drawing a gun why i find that cute i dont know.


omg charlotte must be here"CHARLOTTE i missed you so much i thought you were dead dont ever pretend to be dead again!" shes really back "does that mean you forgive me????" obviously "hmmm i dont know i need a hug before i decide" i say with a grin on my face she tackles me to the floor and i land on my ass making bellamy say "jees charlotte u need to be more precausious" in a teenage girls voice and we all just laugh as i catch on that charlotte must have said that to bell about dropping me on my ass "and charlotte i forgave you like the second i thought you were dead i just wnted a hug" i said while standing up and hugging bell "OMFG no f-ing way bellarke happened, damn i owe octavia a new spear " she new about bellarke "wait you and octavia bet on us to being together and you lost" i said while having a false look of astonishment on my face "yeah she said if she wins i make her a new sword and if she looses i still make her a new sword " O tricked her ha "sweety what did O bet" i ask "she bet bellarke wouldnt happen " okay then charlotte won "charltte you won you thought we would be together even though we hated each other why?" okay then "because bellamy never hated you he told me not to tell you but he was MADLY in love with THE PRINCESS aka you" wow "charlotte i told you never to tell her that " oh well i know now " oh well she doesnt care " i turn around and look hime in the eye and say "i love you too bellamy blake" and i kissed him only to here a "ewwwwwwww grossss yuck yuck yuck " and then charlotte screams "BELLARKE 4 THE WIN " and the O says "EVERYBODY SAY BELLARKE KEPP IT GOIN" and then lincoln shouts "we wake up and we see " and everyone shouts "BELLARKE" then charlotte says "im nearly thirteen and i ship " everyon "BELLARKE" then kane "her names clarke and his is bellamy" everyone "bell bel bel bel bel bel bel bellarke" random idiot says "he got demons that she killed" everyone"noooooooooooo"


"okay now that thats over im luna and wheres my brother?" then i see lincoln "SISTER" he shouts as he runs over picks me up and hugs me "BROTHER " wow its been 8 years lincoln is 16 and im 14 wow "how are you alive " he asks "i will tell you all tommorrow but for now i need to sleep do you have any tarp that i can make a tent into?" them bellamy sayys "no but you can use my tent for now and ill stay with clarke" wow thats kind of hime "wow thanks your bellamy right and thats clarke and wheres octavia ?" mindedatru skills i know where she is shes with jonty " oh shes coming now one sec" lincoln says and goes to get her he comes out of their tent with her on his back like a piggy back ride " luna this is my girlfriend octavia octavia this my sister luna" "omg your so cute and small oh i could just eat you up your so adorable " she says and hugs me "hi nice to meet you" now bellamy says "hey luna go to sleep and in the morning we will go back to our old camp and make it more campy and you can tell us what happend then we will give you other clothes so the other grounds wont know its you im sure you have changed in 8 years" "yeah look how big you have gotten good night little sitter" lincoln says "good night i love you big brother" i say "okay thats weird thats what O says to me i feel chills" bellamy says "see lincoln your sister is so like me" "yeah okay O now everyone lets go to sleep early start tomorrow goodnight charlotte you can bunk with luna for the night" "no i wanna sleep with you 2 tonight " "okay just one night" "aw cute your like a little family " O says while smiling wide "okay goodnight everyone" bellamy says and we all go to sleep in the tents.

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