finding out

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Clarke's .pov:
I was waiting outside the medbay when Jackson walked outside "Clarke you are -" "are what" Abby interiors walking up to us "um am I or arent I ?" I ask Jackson before leaving " you are" yussàa "great I have to go talk to you guys later" I walk over to wear bell and Octavia are talking "hey guys lets have a campfire just us and our group" "yeah okay" they say in unison then O leaves saying she needs to go 'talk' to Lincoln which means imma leave bellarke alone "so will you tell me ur news " bellamy ...." I say sounding sad to fool him "yeah????" "IM PREGNANT!" I say really happily "YUSS " he says then he picks me up spins me around .
***at the campfire
"Hey so who wants to hear some news" Octavia says "sure" we all agree "well first of all Lincoln isn't coming to this campfire because he needed to see Luna back at the tree crus village and also so bell can't kill him when I tell you what abby told me today" "I think I know what it is" I whisper to bellamy "please don't freak out because we need to tell our news next" "okY okay" then Octavia looks around and says "I'm pregnant " everyone looked happy except bell "I'm sorry bellamy" O says "its cine I just wish we told our news first because ours is way better" he says like a 5 year old boy sulking "okay then what's your news" "I'm pregnant Jackson told me today" "YOUR WHAT?" my mom says from behind me "I THOUGHT YOU WOULDNT BE AS STUPID AS TO GET PREGNANT AGAIN" I got up and walked back to me and bells tent ......

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