the morning

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luna p.o.v

"get your butts out here and lets go Lincoln and Octavia" I shout so I don't have to come in to an awkward situation, I hear a series of "ughs" and "its sooooooooo early leave me alone lu" from lincoln but then o said "come on I wanna see what you were like when you were younger" "okay you go outside and ill be outside in a bit luv ya bye" "bye luv u 2!" she says then walks out to me with a traditional blake smirk as we call it "hey luna how was your morning" "well....." "what happened?" "well this morning charlotte came over and told me how bellamy and Clarke were kissing outside her tent and then she told me she told Clarke to get a room but Clarke said if they were in the room and she walked in she would be emotionally scarred for life so she asked me what that meant but to be honest I don't want to tell her that its gross but Clarke and you are adults so I want you guys to tell her about like everything cause I don't need her asking me that" "no problem we will do It later ill talk to Clarke about it" "thank you Octavia" "call me o" "okay o" "bye" "bye" "LINCOLN GET GET YOUR FAT ASS OUT HERE BEFORE I PULL YOU OUT MY SELF" "DID YOU JUST CALL ME FAT?" "yeah u got a problem with that " I say he looks up to my eyes and says "STUPID BITCH" and runs at me tackling me to the floor and tickles the shit out of me.... 
*****     like thirty mins later***
   "Hey,O what's up" I say as she walks over to me " Luna asked me to ask you if you and me would give Charlie the talk " hahahhahahahhahha lilolololo roflol " da fuq y can't she do it" okay that came out harsher than intended "of you were a 15 year old girl would you want to tell (I can't remember what the actual age she is but I'm going with 15 from now on I'm too bothered to see sozzles xx) her 12 near 13 year old basically little sister about sex and periods and va j j's and how your parts work and S.T-" "YEAH OKAY O I GOT IT LETS GO JUST SHUT UP" and she did as we walked over to Charlie "CHARLIE come with us to the linctavia tent " "k" what Octavia teases me with bellarke she deserves it " aww you made us a ship name " o says "yeah we made that when miller over heard you reading Lincolns journal out loud a few weeks ago- " "OMG THATS HOW YOU FOUND OUT HIS NAME CLARKE MILLER FUCKING SPYING ON ME" "ha okay guys no matter how much I love listening to you fight what you wanna tell me" Charlie says as we walk into the tent we sit down me and o facing Charlotte "Charlotte we need to talk" "what did I do and I blame Monty and jasper" "no sweety that's not it and your supposed to blame bell " "oh yeah sorry O so what ya wanna talk about" she says 100% honest "k babe well its about stuff " "oh I already got the talk" "off who ?" We both ask "well me and Monty and jasper were down at the river and I asked them loads of questions and then harper and fox went to the river with me and I started bleeding and I had a panic attack so they told me what to do and it was all okay so anything I need to know I know k ?" "Do you know about boys?" "Oh please do you know how much times raven explains shit -" "ey language" "anyway she even explained like guys and the types" "oh really , care to explain " "like she explained what the guys around here we're "  gave her a 'go on ' look "like Bellamy is the definition of man period" "I came up with that " "that was you " o says to me "yup lol that was funny" "sooo meet any cute boys Charlotte ?" "Hey don't get that thought in her head" no no boys and Charlie "how big of an age gap is too big " she asks us "they have to be under 18 or else its more than 5 years and we can't have that cuz then it will be more than bell and I and linctavia so its a long age stretch okay Charlie " wow that's different  "why what age is the boy " o asks her "17 he's 18 in 11 months " she says and this huge blush creeps up on her cheeks me and o  at the same time"OMG YOU LIKE JASPER?!?!" I'm guessing he was walking past because he pops his head in and says "who loves me oh hey Charlie luv you two " cuteness wait no ewww not has he's nearly 18 she's nearly 13 that's 5 years " guys I'm gonna go to the lake with harper Monty and has k" "fine but do not expect jasper to live through the day if bell finds out Kay gel" " k bye"

(Soz haven't updated no WiFi I'm in France in a mobile home I'm so tired its 1:18 am g'night guys comment what you think vote plz and add me on s'chat follow
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