; letter four

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dear itoshi rin,

YES YES!! i am very satisfied with your life update. i hope practice wasn't too hard on you since you seem to be pushing yourself a lot these days. pushing yourself is fine but overworking yourself to the point of exhaustion is just reckless! be very careful and take care of yourself or i will cry all night about you, okay?

you don't want to make a little ol' girl like me cry? (say yes) good! i also don't want to cry out of worry for you heheh. i'd rather cry happy tears for you

MANNN ITS SO HOT TODAY WTF. i legit had to go to the store to buy some ice cream and whatever snacks i could find for cheap. i think i saw your brother on my way there and almost fought him because i know he's a meanie to you.

i was gonna ambush him from behind and force a popsicle down his throat as payback for you but his lover came out of the store and they ended up walking off together while holding hands. DO YOU KNOW HOW SURPRISED I WAS TO SEE THAT HE HAD A LOVER? THEY WERE PRETTY ASF.

anyway, i saw you outside my classroom again today. you guys always seem to take a detour on your way to the canteen since isagi claims that's where you guys are going even though the canteen is in the complete opposite direction LOL.

your hair looked very nice today :) you looked really handsome as usual. your fringe looked fluffier than usual so i jokingly told isagi that i wanted to touch it and he bet me fifteen dollars that i'd do it.

unfortunately, i am not fifteen dollars richer.

BUT seeing you today made me very happy. you look like you're enjoying yourself more these days now that you are hanging out with new people. the crease between your eyebrows looks less intense when you're around bachira and the people you claim "aren't your friends" or whatever.

OH I MADE FRIENDS WITH SOMEONE NEW!! his name is niko and he's super cute! he's shorter than a lot of the guys i know so it's refreshing to see guys who are almost the same height as me. you can barely see his eyes but the way he talks is super smooth and I think he's really cool! i feel like you'd get along with him well if you two talked.

he's a little, uh, shy? i mean, his way of talking is a bit curt sometimes but he gets shy about his face and his forehead, which i think is a little adorable.

ARE YOU THE SAME WAY? would you be shy if someone tried to look at your forehead? im kind of curious now heheh

if i ever get the courage to do it, will you let me tie your hair up in a small ponytail? you'd look cute with your hair tied back <3

it's time to head out bc it's almost 3am :,) have a goodnight/day and try your best at practice! i love youuuuu muah muah

- <3

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