; letter ten

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dear itoshi rin,

hi i love you.

I DREW MYSELF AS AN OWL! it was a good compromise because i couldn't figure out what to put. bachira said it looked amazing so i can't disagree with him because it is amazing. i gave you a small cameo because it's your gift so you're the tiny owl next to me :)

i'm writing this during school because you looked really good this morning at school. my heart legit was caught in my throat when you arrived on campus in your football uniform rather than your school one. it was super nice to see you looking so sleek that early in the morning BUT IT WAS SO SAD TO FIND OUT THAT YOU WERE GONNA BE ABSENT FOR THE REST OF THE DAY BECAUSE OF YOUR MATCH. i was so mad that i had to stay in school but i know you'd probably yell at me for trying to skip school for a match of yours.

pls i'd skip everything for you. who needs anything when i have you? :)

i heard niko had to stay back because he twisted his ankle at practice yesterday. you're probably away right now so i won't have to possibly face your wrath when you find out that i'm eating lunch with niko for today. before you tell me anything, i have no friends (shidou/bachira/isagi are gone) so i asked niko if he wanted to join me for today.

we're eating lunch on the roof because one of my classmates loaned us the key for a bit. she was surprisingly okay with it even though she always tells the guys in my class that they can't have the key. lucky lucky :))

i have a bento that i made for lunch with a little bit of rice, a lot of meat and a few fruits that my mom bought and said would be good. she gave me cookie just for the fun of it and i love her for that.

the one day i decide to make two bentos (one for me and one for you) you're not even here ;~; PLS I TALK AS IF I WOULD HAVE ACTUALLY GIVEN IT TO YOU. i'd probably panic and die before you'd be able to take the bento from me. (if you accept it, that is)

since i couldn't finish both, i gave the other one to niko to eat. turns out, he's not much of a big eater, so i had to help him finish it. he ate the cookie. he said he likes cookies as long as they don't have raisins. HIS TASTES ARE EXACTLY LIKE MINE WTF.

i asked him if he liked oatmeal cookies and he said yeah. this is the first time i've met a guy who likes oatmeal cookies. I SWEAR, HIS TASTE IS EXACTLY LIKE MINE.

today was very eventful because of the food talk at lunch. maybe next time (when im brave enough) i'll invite you to lunch with me and we can talk.

have a good day/night! i love you so so so muchhh

- <3

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