; letter twelve

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dear itoshi rin,

do my eyes deceive me or did the itoshi rin just *bats eyelashes* compliment me??!?

good morning? i'm writing this at midnight because i just woke up. i fell asleep at like nine because i was super tired. school has been kicking my ass but im only persevering because of YOU. im not trying to become known as the dumb girlfriend, yk?

it's super cold right now and i wish you were here. my parents built a swing set thing in the backyard and it's super heavy duty that it legit can hold all of my siblings. im sure it could hold both you and i if we were to ever swing on it at the same time. it would be a good bonding moment, you know? heheh

OH OH OH! earlier today, i heard your voice while you were passing my classroom. i was on the verge of falling asleep during break then i heard you talking in the hall and i was instantly up. i almost fell out my seat because of you.

i remember the first time i ever saw you. the first thing i noticed was your voice because of the way you spoke so calmly yet curtly. it was the time you were telling your coach that you had finished warming up. man, that one sentenced made me FREEZE.

i stopped to look at you and saw the most beautiful man I've ever seen before. you were so handsome that i couldn't look away. i had to because you'd think i was a creep for staring but damn, i really wanted to look at you better. i wanted to stand beside you without feeling so insecure or worried about how people would view us. i wanted to tell you everything, about how i felt and how much you meant to me and why i even deserved to have a speck of your time.

but im too scared to tell you that in person. it's frightening to think that you might leave me if i spill too much.

that's why, im being a coward and telling you everything here. i feel a lot closer to you because of these letters. my feelings have reached you but I'm going to make sure they are drilled into your heart for the rest of your life.

you'll be thinking of me even in the afterlife :}

also, i made it two days without crying :) are you proud of me? it's really hard to keep my emotions in check these days but i finally managed to get through a few days without tearing up or sobbing.

tbh, im usually crying because of you but that's okay LOL. you haven't done anything cry worthy in two days so we're good for now. but if you look a little too handsome one day, i may cry. be careful.

i heard from isagi that you kept my owl drawing of us :)) he said you put it up in your room (how did he manage to get to see your room before me? pain) on your bulletin board. that makes me super happy. i love you even more oh my

have a good day/night! i love you

- <3

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