Chapter 24 - "I thought you didn't like me all that much."

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"Wilder, come have a look at this," Captain Isla said.

Wilder hurried up the steps to the aft deck and took the spot beside the captain, accepting the eyeglass. He raised it, peering through to the shoreline in the distance. The final rays of the sun illuminated the small harbor. Half a dozen ships were docked but that's not what Wilder focused on. He picked out the men in military uniforms that marched down the harbor.

Slowly, he lowered the glass, mind spinning. From this distance, he couldn't determine whether the soldiers were ones his father trained or imposters. If they docked, would the men seize them or simply tell them the port was closed? Would their presence draw attention from whoever was currently in charge at the palace? Was the North Isles King at the palace?

Wilder turned away from the port, surveying the ship full of sailors. He'd planned that they all, minus a few to watch the ship, would go through the forest and find out what was going on. But now in light of the new information, he reformulated his plan. Too many and they would be more likely noticed.

"We won't dock there," Wilder said. "Cut South. There is a lagoon that some of us can row to. We'll enter the forest from there."

Isla gave orders to Sparrow and the Lorian guided the ship away from the harbor. Wilder stayed at the railing, watching it gradually fade. What were they walking into? Images of the city in chaos swirled in his mind. If the city was still closed off, what state were the people in? How much food did they have? How many had already died?

The questions tore at Wilder's heart. He might not be the one to rule the West Isles, but this was his home, his people. He thought of Lydia. What would she come home to? Would there be a Kingdom to rule?

He gripped the railing as the memory of her arms desperately holding him filled him. Everything inside him had wanted to wrap to kiss her. He wanted to run his hands through her hair. He wanted to remain with her, holding her like he knew he never would.

But that had been the problem. She wasn't his to hold, to kiss.

Zavier was a good man. One that would help Lydia when she took the throne. Part of Wilder wished Zavier was an ass. It would give Wilder an excuse to hate him, to want to find a way of stealing Lydia and making a new life. But unfortunately, Zavier had a good heart.

He thought having space from Lydia would make her betrothal easier. But it wasn't, she wandered through his mind and plagued his dreams. Questions of how she was doing, if she was okay tormented him. Even knowing how well protected she was at the palace, he feared for her. He feared that his leaving her alone was the worst kind of mistake.

But there was no going back. He was here now.

By the time they found the lagoon, the sun had vanished and a blue moon rose overhead. Wilder scanned the lagoon. A smugglers lagoon. It was usually watched but with the attack, Wilder didn't think guards would be stationed there. Even if some were they would be his father's men, they might know something. With the eyeglass, Wilder searched the edge of the forest, looking for signs of soldiers but saw none.

"Captain Isla," Wilder said, facing away from the lagoon. "Gather your crew together."

Isla eyed him and he detected an amused gleam in her eyes though nothing showed on her face. It was a contrast to Alwyn, who stood on the other side of the deck, arms crossed, brow pinched together in disbelief.

Wilder understood Alwyn's astonishment at talking to Isla in such a way, but the captain and he had an understanding. This was her ship, but that was his home.

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