Chapter 34 - "We have been awaiting your arrival."

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A soft tapping woke Lydia. She stirred as the door to her bedchamber opened and a shaft of faint gray morning light spilled inside. A silhouette quickly blocked the light and Lydia rubbed at her eyes. The silhouette crossed the room, taking more distinct form as it drew near her. When it knelt by her bedside, Lydia could make out Zavier's features in the dimness.

"Good morning, Princess," he whispered.

"Zavier?" Lydia mumbled.

Zavier in her bedchamber. her bedchamber in the early morning...

Lydia shot upright, suddenly alert. "What is it? Has something happened?"

Zavier stood, resting his hands on Lydia's shoulders, pulling her from her frantic thoughts.

"Princess, breathe," he said softly. "I am here because my ship leaves with the morning tide." He dropped his hands. "I wanted to say goodbye. Possibly in your sitting room so I can see your face."

Lydia's panic was replaced with a sharp urgency.

"You're leaving now?"

"Almost, yes. Will you come out?"

Lydia nodded and slid her legs over the mattress. Zavier retrieved her silken robe from the end of the bed. When she stood, he held it open for her, his hands lingering on her shoulders a second longer than necessary. Tying it closed, Lydia followed him into her sitting room. The sky barely held any color, only hints of what was yet to come.

Zavier faced Lydia and a smile grew on his lips as he took in her hair. Lydia hurriedly ran her fingers through the wild curls, knowing she looked a mess. Zavier stopped her with a touch to her wrist.

"You look beautiful, Princess," he said.

He held her gaze for a long moment before clearing his throat as if self-conscious.

"I have something for you," he said, motioning to the settee.

Sitting on the pastel-hued seat was a wrapped package larger than the one he'd given to her before.

"Do not open it now," Zavier said. "Open it before you are to meet King Titus." He smiled shyly at the floor. "I hope it will remind you of the courage and strength you already possess."

The words seeped into Lydia's chest and buried themselves in her heart. Right where all the rest of his were stored away.

"Princess," Zavier said. "I want you to know, getting to know you has been a privilege. I am honored to be able to help you in the small way that I can. Being by your side will be the greatest honor of all."

Pressure built in Lydia's chest, something strong and solid pressing down. Zavier bent forward, hesitated then kissed her cheek. He spoke close to her ear.

"Clear skies," he said.

Lydia swallowed, the pressure growing stronger. "Clear skies?"

Zavier drew back enough to meet her eyes, their breaths intertwining.

"It is a saying of my mother's people. It means safe travels and a hope for a quick return."

Quick return. Return. They were parting ways and though every detail of their plan had been talked over there were so many unknowns. Too many things could go wrong. The memory of Zavier laying unconscious on the hard stone flashed in Lydia's mind. She could count on her two hands how many people she cared deeply for. Zavier one of them.

Suddenly afraid of what could happen, Lydia wrapped her arms around him, clinging to him. Zavier embraced her, straightening so Lydia's toes barely skimmed the floor.

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