Chapter 27 - "Take her below."

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No, no, no, no, no. Please no. Not again. It can't happen again. Lydia watched as Zavier crumpled to the ground, his sword clanging against the stone. Terror choked her. Please no. She stared at his lifeless body, waiting to see blood pool around him. Like it had for her family.

The world around her didn't exist, the fight of the guards with the attackers, the harsh shriek of metal against metal, the grunts of pain. Nothing but Zavier existed to her. Him and the fear that he was dead.

Please. Please don't leave me. Don't leave me too.

Strong arms wrapped around Lydia, dragging her away. She didn't fight the hold, still watching Zavier, silently begging him to move, to shift, to let her know he was alive. To let her know one more person she cared about wasn't leaving her.

When her captor twisted her around, Lydia struggled to look behind her. She had to know. She kicked out, contorting her body so she could find Zavier. But the man's vice-like grip was unbreakable and she couldn't see Zavier. Still, she squirmed in his grasp. A sharp slap struck her cheek and dizziness swept over her. She let go of her fight, slumping.

A rough hand yanked the hood of her cloak over her head. Shouts echoed around her, the words a blur in her ears. The man holding her, half guided, half carried her away. Lydia didn't protest. All she could see was Zavier's sprawled body which morphed into the guard's body that faded into Corwin's which shifted to Reen's. One by one the images of her dead family consumed her.

Gone. All gone. And now Zavier. She shook with the pain and fear of it all. One more person she lost. One person leaving her in this world, leaving her to live each day without them. She blinked, her surroundings blurry from her tears.

She tripped as the ground beneath her changed from solid stone to a vibrating plank. Her captor kept her from falling, his arm tightening about her. She winced at the harshness of it. Then suddenly his hold left and he shoved her forward. Lydia stumbled and crashed onto a wood floor. Jeering laughter clouded around her.

"I thought Princesses were supposed to be graceful," a mocking voice said.

As Lydia lifted her head, her heart jerked in her chest. Scarred, mean-eyed men circled her. The reality of where she was wiped away the fear of losing Zavier, replacing it with a fear of losing herself.

The ship lurched and Lydia whipped her head around, watching as the ship detached from Loria's harbor. The harbor and her safety. Her shaking renewed until she couldn't hold herself up.

"Take her below."

The same man hoisted her to her feet and hauled her towards a set of stairs leading below decks. Before she could plummet on them, the man secured his arm around her waist. At the smell of sweat on him, Lydia wished he'd let her fall. He forced her through the gangway to the captain's cabin. Opening the door, he pushed her inside. Lydia faltered and hit the floor. Still shaking, she twisted around.

He grinned. A vicious, gleeful sight.

"Don't worry, Your Highness," the man said, her title mocking on his lips. "The King ordered us not to harm you." He let his gaze travel slowly down her body and revulsion burned through Lydia. "Which is a pity."

She tried to scramble away from him but her trembling made it difficult. Still, the effort made the man smile with pleasure.

"Maybe a couple of days without food you'll be willing to make a trade."

Lydia fought against a surge of nausea. He laughed and Lydia shrank away from the malicious sound.

"Enjoy your stay here, Your Highness," the man said, giving her a bow.

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