Chapter nineteen - Time for a chat.

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After Ozpin and I get back to the castle I have Walter get us some drinks, and we head for one of the larger balconies, seeing as how the dining room is currently in shambles after our battle. The balcony has a small table with two chairs facing each other, and it looks out over a majority of the island. I sit down in one of the chairs, wincing as my back flares in pain from our battle. Ozpin sits in the opposite chair wincing himself. He chuckles looking over to me.

Ozpin: You know for someone as young as you, you certainly can fight.

I chuckle looking back to him.

Pegasus: And for someone so old you certainly pack a wallop. 

We both chuckle for a second before silence falls. The silence lasts until the doors to the balcony open to reveal Walter with our drinks on a silver platter. He bows slightly.

Walter: Your drinks sir.

I levitate our drinks over to us, and nod my head in acknowledgment.

Pegasus: Thank you Walter, you are dismissed. 

He exits, and I take a drink. Ozpin follows my example, and takes a drink. After I finish taking my drink I put the glass down on the table, and adorn a serious expression. He notices and does the same. We sit in silence for a moment before Ozpin speaks.

Ozpin: So, what do you want to know?

I lean forward, and motion down to the gem. 

Pegasus: What exactly is that gem?

He stays silent for a few minutes trying to think of how to answer, but eventually he sighs leaning back in his chair.

Ozpin: This "gem" as you put it is one of six elemental crystals that contain enormous amounts of power. They were once scattered around remnant, until I and a few others collected most of them sealing them away from those that would misuse their power. This particular gem allows it's user to look into alternate time lines, and speed up, or slow down time.

"Ok so that explains how he was moving so fast earlier. Mabey that's why he had so many years of memory?" I groan, and rub my head, nursing a headache from reading his mind earlier. 

Ozpin: Now if you don't mind I'd like to know how you did all those things during our battle.

I use my hand to brush the hair out from in front of the Millennium eye.

Pegasus: Short answer, this.

His eyes narrow as he looks at the eye.

Ozpin: And just what is that?

I pause for a second, before smirking.

Pegasus: This is known as the millennium eye, one of seven items that give their wielder incredible powers. This item in particular allows me to look into other worlds, and gives me mild, telekinetic, and psychokinetic abilities, allowing me to somewhat see into someone's mind. As well as being able to use the effects of my cards in the real world.

His eyes widen, and I feel him grow apprehensive.

Ozpin: what do you mean "see into someone's mind"?

Pegasus: I mean exactly what I say. I can see into peoples minds, to an extent. If someone has their aura up I can only read what is on the surface of their mind, like what they plan to do next in a battle. However if they either don't have their aura unlocked, or if their aura is broken I can see everything in their mind. Also if you're worried about if I saw your more umm *cough* personal moments, I didn't. There were so many memories in your mind that I had to stick to the more recent memories. 

The Millennium Master RWBY X  Male reader. (Canceled, and being rewritten.)Where stories live. Discover now