Chapter Thirty - Getting settled in.

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After about an hour of chasing me around beacon Seto finally calmed down, and stopped chasing me. Don't get me wrong he still wants nothing more than to kill me for broadcasting that he's single to the whole school, but the promise of more blue eyes themed cards is enough for him to let me live for now.

After that fun experience Glynda lead me through the school to my classroom. It's a bit bear bones, but I have a little more than a few connections I can use to switch the room to be a bit more... appropriate. After that she once again lead me through the school to a building separate from the student dorms. Turns out the teachers have their own apartments, that they can use at their leisure, and given that I am now a teacher I get the apartment used by the previous teacher. When we went inside it smelled strongly of peaches. After the little tour we finished up by a standard medical check up, and them taking a blood sample, which I thought was a little weird, but I went along with it. Once all that was done, Glynda went off, leaving me to my own devices.

I walk through the halls of the school, heading back to the student dorms. Even though I have my own apartment, I need to plan a few thing out with my band of brothers. I step out into the courtyard, and inhale deeply enjoying the cool night air, until I notice a shape sneaking away from the student dorms. I know instantly who it is, and sigh. "I should have seen this coming." I duck behind a pillar, turning into a white raven. I fly in their direction in order to stop her. Just as she's about to reach the forest I dive behind a tree, turning back into me, landing right in front of her, and raise my eyebrow.

Pegasus: Always on the move, eh Blake?

Blake comes to a screeching halt, before she can run straight into me. her face hardens as she reaches for Gamble Shroud. I raise my hands defensively.

Pegasus: Hey calm down kitty cat, I'm not going to hurt you.

She points Gamble Shroud at me, clearly not believing me. 

Blake: Mabey not, but I know you'll tell Adam where I am.

I give her an unamused look.

Pegasus: Blake, you and I both know that if Adam wanted to find you, he would have done so already. Also I knew you where going to be here for days, and I didn't tell him where you are.

Blake calms down a little and lowers her weapon.

Blake: Ok say I believe you, why haven't you told Adam yet?

I lower my hands sticking them into my pockets, and raising my eyebrow.

Pegasus: Because I know he still needs time to calm down. *I sigh* Don't get me wrong, I love the guy, but I'm aware how... "bull headed" he can be.

Blake chuckles a bit at that, and I follow suite, before adopting a happier demeaner. 

Pegasus: In all honesty I'm glad you decided to leave. I noticed how unhappy it was making you, but if you don't mind me asking...

She motions for me to continue.

Pegasus: Why didn't you at least tell me you were leaving? I could have been their to calm Adam down sooner.

Blake looks away from me, and I feel her mind cloud up with a hint of fear.

Blake: You said that you talked to Adam? 

I frown, annoyed that she's changing the subject, but I nod.

Blake: Did he tell you that he was going to kill the crew on the train?

The Millennium Master RWBY X  Male reader. (Canceled, and being rewritten.)Where stories live. Discover now