Chapter Twenty Three - Adam's Return

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Before we begin I wish to thank those who responded to the question I posted on whether to combine my three current story together, or not. I have decided not to and just keep the stories separate. With that being said, On with the show.

POV: Adam Taurus

The boat sways from side to side as another wave hits the boat, as we approach duelist kingdom Island. After Cinder and her two followers forced me to work with them, I began to make a plan, for Pegasus to either an ally to this group of cinders, or he could help me take them down. I told Cinder about how he is a supporter of the White fang, and How he has a great deal of power at his command. She decided to throw me a bone, and try to get him to side with us. So she, her followers, Torchwick, and I Boarded a boat, and started making our way to duelist kingdom. I stand at the front of the boat, watching as the island draws nearer.

???: Enjoying the view Adam?

I turn around, and glare at Cinder as she walks next to me. She smirks, and looks to the island.

Cinder: You better be right about him Adam, for your sake, as well as his.

She accentuated her point by conjuring a fireball in her hands, and crushing it. She turns walking to the back of the boat. I sigh and look back to the island. "don't let me down y/n"

Mini time skip

After we dock the boat we make our way through the silent forest that surrounds the castle, with Cinders followers seeming a bit creeped out by the silent forest. A twig snaps to our right, and emerald points her guns towards the treeline. I walk over to her, and lower her weapons, She looks over to me confused, and I shake my head.

Adam: Pegasus has a few animals on the island, and he is very protective of them, if you shoot them he will stab you back, or worse.

Emerald slowly puts her guns away, as Mercury scoffs, and continues walking.

Mercury: We already knew he was an animal lover. I mean he works with you guys doesn't he?

I bare my teeth in a soundless snarl, but stop as I hear growling, too faint for the humans to hear. I look over and in the darkness I see, a white wolf with blue eyes glaring with murderous intent at mercury. I then hear a voice in my head.

y/n(mind): Adam, two questions, one where have you been, and two who are these people? But keep walking, and don't let them know I'm following them.

I nod slightly and continue walking, with the others close behind. I sigh slightly, and concentrate my thoughts to be heard by y/n.

Adam(mind): y/n, I'm sorry about bringing them here.

I her him grumble slightly before answering.

y/n(mind): It's fine Adam, but please don't try to think as hard as you are. It will give you a headache, and it makes it a little more difficult to talk to you.

I nod ever so slightly, and start to just think normally.

Adam(mind): Better?

I hear y/n sigh in relief.

y/n: Yes thank you. Now who are these people, and what are they doing here?

I see him run forward towards the castle, and I begin to tell him about the past few days.

The Millennium Master RWBY X  Male reader. (Canceled, and being rewritten.)Where stories live. Discover now