Chapter 6

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Hans reached the door but it opened on its own. Then Jack saw who had opened it. Anna and Kristof was here. Kristof punched Hans in the nose while Anna grabbed Elsa. Anna took Elsa back to the bed and laid her next to Jack and flipped Jack over. Kristof had successfully knocked Hans out and was dragging him to the dungeon. Hey, I know what you're thinking but what good castle doesn't have a dungeon. Kristof came back up stairs and took hold of Anna.
"Don't worry, babe, they will be fine."
"I know but she looks so pale."
Next to Jack, Elsa was crying.
"What's wrong baby?" Jack asked worriedly.
"They are going to be okay." Jack went up to her and hugged her. "Yes they will be and you will be a wonderful mother." Jack kissed her softly on the forehead but felt dizzy and tired.
"Jack, what going on??" Elsa yelled. She started panicking about Jack getting sluggish.  
"I don't know babe." Then they were back in their bodies. Anna and Kristof had left and they were alone.
"Where back!" Elsa was so happy but when she looked over Jack was still asleep. "Jack wake up. Come on Jack." Jack didn't move. He was still as a stone. "He took the drug later that me" Elsa thought to herself but sadly that wasn't the case. Something was wrong with Jack and the only person that could save Jack was my good friend, Santa Claus. Ohh forgot to tell you who I am. Since I'm all knowing like my husband. I am Mrs. Claus.

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