Chapter 21

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"Elsa, I'm right here.  You're doing fine."  Jack said lovingly to his wife.   Santa was working on getting someone to deliver the babies but with all the commotion and events going on around him, He was having trouble. 

"I'm sorry but we are all that's getting in here.  You'll have to deliver the babies with what's in here."  Santa said to the four of them. 

"Santa, we don't have anything in here. No water or towels or anything that could be useful."  Anna said frantically.
"Well we have clothes for towels and I can make some snow but I have no way to contain it or melt it."  They all were standing there trying to figure out what to do when,"
"You have a nurse right here with water, towels, pain killers, and anything else she might need.  Oh and she is a nurse, you know someone that knows how to deliver a baby and how to handle complications."  Hans said from outside the door. 
Everyone turned and looked at him.  They hadn't really looked at him this whole time.  He looked tired and old.  This battle for power had taken a toll on him.  His clothes were still wet from the rain outside.  When had it started raining Anna had asked herself.  She was starting to feel bad for him and probably pity if it wasn't for the way he behaved. 
"I'll make a deal.  I won't take the babies if you give me the port and city.  You still have the rest of the country to build cities and more ports.  I just want this city to show my brothers that I'm worth looking towards." 
Anna was about to say something when Elsa let out another scream.  Her contractions were still far apart, they had some time.  But could they leave the house her parents had left them all those years ago.  They pretty much lived in Elsa's castle anyways.  They would let the people decide if they wanted to move or stay with him.  Her head started to hurt.  She wasn't Queen but the Queen wasn't in any state to make decisions. 
"Santa, do you think you could bring in ten citizens from this town?" 
"Yeah, I can do that."  Suddenly ten citizens were standing in front of them. 
"My princess," They addressed Anna.  Santa had hidden Elsa and everyone else including Hans.   
"I need you guys to help me with a situation."  She then explained everything to them.  The city was left up to these ten citizens. 

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