Chapter 17

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   Jack, he must have gone back to the ice castle looking for me.  But it's been all night and I haven't heard from him.  I've sent several ice creatures to the castle but none have come back. Something is defiantly wrong.  However, Ana won't let me leave the castle due to the fact that I'm due to give birth this very week.  With the constant threats, I am almost scared to give birth to my children.  As a read more stories, I have begun to understand that a child born to two winter parents must become summer babies.  They will create summer while the parents create winter.  I have decided that Ana will be the parent of my children. 

We will build a castle out by my ice castle.  They wouldn't be able to live in my castle because they would melt it.  They will live in the town during summer and move to the castle during the winter.  I will only get to see my children from afar.  

"Anna?" I yelled out. 

"Yes, Elsa?" Anna yelled back.

"Is Kristof going to find Jack?"

"Yes, he left a few minutes ago."  We waited for the men to get back.  My heart racing at every passing minute.  Then we hear the huge castle door bust open.  

"ANNA, ELSA!" Kristof yelled, "They took Jack!" I suddenly felt light headed and passed out. 


I can't believe I fell for his trap.  I can't even make a ice creature for Elsa.  She is due to give birth any day now too.  I don't want to miss my children being born.  I suddenly realized that the door was open.  They must have left it open when they feed me.  Which wasn't really even food.  I almost throw up just thinking about the food they serve. I sneaked over to the door and listened.  I could hear voices below me but not above me. I slowly open the door a little more and realize that we are on a boat.  I creep outside and make it to deck level.  Instead of running to the dock. I run to the edge of the boat.  There was no one out here either.  I jump off the edge of the boat and swim towards the castle.  

The castle has an underground canal that lets boats in to trade just with the castle.  I'll just swim under the gate and get to the castle by tomorrow.  It will only be a days swim from my location in my condition.  Don't worry Elsa, I'll make it to see our children born.  

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