Chapter 7

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"Hunny, I'm begging you. Go save him!" I yell at my husband. He was sitting there looking at his good and naughty lists. "Christmas is in two day, I can't." I knew that. It was the same stinkin day every year. "But dear, he has done so much for you in the past seasons. You need to help him or he will die. I'm going right now. You can accompany me if you like." Santa groaned, "coming dear." I always knew how to get to him.
Elsa was laying there over jacks body crying. She barely eat and Anna was starting to get worried. "Elsa, he's going to be okay. You'll see." Suddenly they heard a noise outside and a load banging at the door. Yes, we don't always use the chimney. Elsa cringed on the bed expecting the worse. Kristof answered the door and yelled, "it's okay, it's Mr. and Mrs. Claus." Elsa looked up at us, "what are you doing here?" I spoke up first cutting my husband off. "We are here because of Jack. He is stuck in the in between. The in between is a horrible place. He is probably seeing his worse fears come true. The only person that can save him is my husband."
Elsa looked between the two, "why only him?"
"Because they have a connection to Christmas and winter. You are the winter queen but Jack is the king. Only another King can save him." Elsa thought about what I had said and moved away from Jack. "Please hurry. I need him." Santa shook his head and walked over to Jack. He put his hands on his chest and started to work. I could feel the energy pulled from both me and my husband to save his life. We would both be physically and mentally exhausted.

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