Chapter 8

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Finally my husband was done and I was laying on the bed. I gave him most of my energy so he could stand during it. He rounded the bed and took my hand. "You are pale, my dear." I could feel the blush go to my cheeks. "Well, not so much anymore." He laughed. It had been awhile since he had laughed a real laugh. Yeah Santa is suppose to be real jolly but it's hard to actually be jolly. There are a lot of miss guided rumors about Santa and his wife, me. We aren't fat and jolly like the people say. We are actually pretty skinny. My dresses are a size 5, while Santa's pants are an adult medium. But jolly was another story. He can act but that's all it was, an act. I was starting to think his whole life was an act but he seemed to change that.
I felt a pain from my stomach and curled up. "What's wrong?" Santa pretty much yelled. "Ummm.... I have something to tell you." We were the new Santa. His father before him and his before him. We were around 29 years old. He found me when we were 23. So we have been married awhile. "What is it darling?" He was so sweet. "I'm pregnant." He grew pale and I knew what he thought of this. If we had a boy than that boy would have to take over when he turned 18. That's how it always happened. "Are you sure?"
"Yes!" I started crying because I knew he would be upset.
"It's okay. We can do this. How far along are you?"
"Im 7 months."
"You have been hiding this whole time. How did I not see the signs?" He walked out of the room while I still couldn't get up. Elsa just looked at me and gave me a knowing look. We were in the same boat.

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