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Wen Kexing smiled and whispered " This is fate ". Zhou Zishu's stared at Wen Kexing like had gone insane. He looked annoyed and irritated. All he could think of was the content of the conversation text messages. And he remembered he mentioned a Toy. Shit! What was this Toy that Wen Kexing was referring too. The more he thought about it the angrier he got. He felt like his heart was being crushed into pieces.

Wen Kexing on the other hand was in awe. What was this. How could Zhou Zishu be his XuXu? He was actually a spy like him. This only happened in dramas. But he knew what it meant, the rule. The one rule. YOU CAN'T DATE ANOTHER SPY.He wondered what the agency Zhou Zishu was from and how long he had been spy. He finally snapped out of his trance and found himself alone in the parking lot. Zhou Zishu had already driven off.

He laughed and thought how much his new found love had a temper. He is going to enjoy himself while taming Zhou Zishu.

He removed his phone from his pocket, dialed and spoke " Director, guess what?

The director on the other end of the phone sighed " What is it this time ?

Wen Kexing drawled " I want to date a spy named Zhou Zishu.

There was pin drop silence at the end of the other line. The director was quiet and Wen Kexing smiled and continued "Your silence means that you already know him. If the agency wants to continue enjoying the benefits I bring in then,this is my condition. Let the two of us be."

The Director barked on phone " Wen Kexing how dare you threaten me. You know that the rules apply to everyone. You aren't an exception."

Wen Kexing voice turned cold." FUCK YOU SHITTY RULES. Zhou Zishu is my boyfriend. If anyone finds out about us , I will kill all of you. And trust me I can make it happen."

The director was mute and sighed even harder. " It's not going to be easy"

Wen Kexing relaxed and said " That is my problem. Not yours or anyone's " and then he hang up.

He hated having this kind of confrontations with the director. He turned around and there was the Vice Chancellor and GU Xiang walking towards him smiling. Gu Xiang was the first to rush and hugged him " Boss. You were awesome. " Wen Kexing looked over her head and his eyes collided with the Vice Chancellor who mouthed " Well done Son".

This made Wen Kexing blush so hard that he turned red. Gu Xiang laughed and said " Boss,I did not know hugging you could make you turn red" Wen Kexing recovered and murmured " What nonsense"

Gu Xiang proceeded to whisper" Boss, I know the true identity of Zhou Zishu " Wen Kexing looked shocked and see thingy said " Since when ?"

"When you got poisoned, I found it and he told me not to tell you. Please don't be angry at me" she proceeded to pout.

" Little girl, whom do you report too????

" But boss, he told me that you are together "

" What??

" Mmm"

Wen Kexing did not expect that. So many surprises in one day. Did he Zhou Zishu say this? Together? ?? Wow. His one and only XuXu. The Vice Chancellor of the University smiled and said " Finally my dear God son, you have found happiness. Treasure it like the way your parents treasured each other. I approve of Zhou Zishu. He is fine young man "

Wen Kexing nodded and then pinched Gu Xiang's ear" Why are you only telling me this now?

" Ouch boss, am sorry " she screamed and running away when Wen Kexing stopped.

" We need to go. Gu Xiang where is your car?

Gu Xiang was already running to the end of the parking lot. The Vice Chancellor then turned to Wen Kexing and said " I expect you to finish your lectures before you move away again. Stay a little bit longer until your parents memorial is done "

Wen Kexing nodded. They parted ways and Wen Kexing got into Gu Xiang car and they drove to his apartment. Gu Xiang dropped him off, he showered, made himself a snack and sat down and submitted his report to the director. He walked to the closet and took out the key to the armory and memories of his parents death came fresh into his mind. He wondered if things would have been different if his parents has survived. The amount of wealth they left behind made people fear Wen Kexing but he wanted to have his own wealth and not depend on the inheritance. He went into the Agency because his Aunt wanted Wen Kexing to be able to protect himself.

He knew the extent of his parents wealth and now was the right time to use it by protecting Zhou Zishu. Both of them spies, who the fuck would be able to stop them. He was awed by Zhou Zishu's snipper technique. He smiled and shivers ran down his spine.

Every time he thought if how hot Zhou Zishu was, his possessive side became active. His whole body become hot and he stood up, walked to the freezer and got himself a cold drink. So Zhou Zishu was angry and had run off? What will he do when I appear on his doorstep?Wen Kexing did not want to be patient with Zhou Zishu. They needed to talk and sort this mess out. Wen Kexing already had lost his parents, he was not about to loose Zhou Zishu.

The sound of a bell, snapped Wen Kexing out of mumbled thoughts. He went to the door barefoot and was already muttering " Gu Xiang you had better have completed the task-

And there standing at the door was Zhou Zishu looking angry and handsome as sinful as always. There was a spark in his eyes, that was both dangerous and exciting.

" Am here to drink my bottle of Whiskey LaoGong"

Dear Sweet Readers


Love you

Anna Baibe😍😍

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