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Wen Kexing was tongue tied. All he could do was move aside and let Zhou Zishu in. The kind of Chemistry that cut through when Zhou Zishu walked passed Wen Kexing made him feel like his body was on fire. He chanted a mantra in his brain" control control control, remember you let him talk and tell you what he thinks"

He closed tell door and when he turned around , Zhou Zishu was already seated and looked like he was challenging Wen Kexing.

Inwardly Wen Kexing was elated. His soulmate was here in his flat. The rest of the world could wait. But outwardly he feared that Zhou Zishu could not handle the shit and baggage Wen Kexing had.

He walked to the cabinet and took out a bottle of Tullamore dew. He got two glasses and poured each the whiskey and offered a glass to Zhou Zishu. Zhou Zishu stood up and he accepted the glass and toasted murmuring " This is a goodbye drink between two spies"

Wen Kexing stared at him and put the glass down. He moved closer and asked " What the fuck are you saying? "

Zhou Zishu answered " Spies don't date. You know that very well. Have you been playing games with me? "

Wen Kexing knew that what Zhou Zishu implied was about the text messages. He smiled and confidently answered " Zhou Zishu, I never knew it was you. I only found out the same time. And this is fate"

Zhou Zishu attempted to turn away and Wen Kexing commanded " Dont"

Zhou Zishu tuned and retorted" I don't like being commanded". He turned back and as he was walking away Wen Kexing wrapped his arms around him in and whispered " How long? Which Division? Your speciality must be sniper. Tell.me please"

Zhou Zishu huffed and answered " all my life, Window of heaven, All speciality. I can do everything "

Wen Kexing had heard of Window of Heaven. And he knew how lethal and we'll paid the spies were. They served all the top Directors. So Zhou Zishu must be a director " He asked " What position? "

Zhou Zishu turned in his arms and whispered " Director " His eyes were sad. He proceeded to say " That is why it's impossible for us Lao Gong."

Wen Kexing smiled. Zhou Zishu stared at him and said " How can you smile at this situation? "

Wen Kexing pulled him closer and he said " I am part of the Ghost Valley Spies " Immediately he uttered this words Zhou Zishu pushed him away.

He looked angry and murderous. How can Wen Kexing be part of those unscrupulous spies. They killed with no remorse and their leader he heard was crazy. He then looked at Wen Kexing and whispered " What position? " In his heart he already knew the answer. Wen Kexing walked to th couch,sat down and smiled sweetly " Xuxu, you already know. Why ask!"

Zhou Zishu immediately took step back and murmured " I slept with a crazy bastard." Wen Kexing's laughter could be heard as he watched the conflicted emotions on Zhou Zishu's face. He paced back and forth and the suddenly turned to rush out the door and ended up being pinned at the door by Wen Kexing. Zhou Zishu heart was beating so fast and he knew he could never escape Wen Kexing.

He had read the file about the Ghost Valley leader it was said he was ruthless, cruel but most of all crazy. If the agencies needed the most dangerous jobs to be done,it was them that did it. And most of the agencies feared them. And here he was pinned against the door by their leader but all he could think of was how hot and handsome Wen Kexing was.

He pushed back and turned, facing Wen Kexing ,his neck stretched up, challenging him. Wen Kexing then drawled " I seriously want to play with my Toy" Zhou Zishu finally understood that Wen Kexing meant him when he said " I found a new Toy"

" You wanna share your Toy?" Zhou Zishu dared him.

Wen Kexing smiled and said "No. I want to posses my Toy. Own it. Make it mine. So that no one can touch it. I will kill anyone who gets in my way. "

Zhou Zishu closed his eyes and Wen Kexing moved closer and whispered " You belong to the Ghost Valley leader"

Zhou Zishu eyes opened and he whispered " How can you be this young and handso- " He realized he had voiced his thoughts out loud. Wen Kexing dominant nature kicked in. He pressed himself closer rubbing their bodies together and whispered " Handsome? Zhou Zishu you are Ethereal. So beautiful that in every single lecture , I would fantasize about you and me naked, fucking each other until we blackout"

Zhou Zishu answered " But it's impossible "

" I already called the Director. I informed him of our relationship. They don't have a choice on this matter." The amount of coldness his words weighed was enough to build an iceberg there and then.

Zhou Zishu pushed him and strode around the living area, kitchen and finally walked into Wen Kexing's bedroom. He was stalling since he felt like once possessed by Wen Kexing, there was no turning back.As he stood at the foot of the bed, knew that Wen Kexing was not far behind and asked " What's the Leverage?"

Wen Kexing stood behind him and read said " Money. They agencies get funds from me yearly. "

" You are rich?"

" Yeah"

" Gu Xiang? "

" Her too. She is my adopted sister"

" Am scared , if you try and control me-

" I will protect you"

And then Wen Kexing tightened his arms around him, kissing his neck and while unbuttoning his pants.

"Mnnn, why then are you still talking? I thought by now you would have fucked my brains out Ghost Valley Leader and make good your promise"

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