39 [Local Brewery]

721 57 273

TW // vomit but not

George hated mining.

Anyone would after a full day and and a half of it. Most people wouldn't want to see another dank tunnel for a very long time. Long gloomy hallways with dry air and spiders hissing in the walls. Oh, and also random lava dripping on you from time to time.

Besides that, the mining went well. George got lucky at the start with a two vein and then he happened upon a little lava and a cave where he found a nine vein, which he didn't even know was possible and hoarded happily.

They started the competition the first rainy night after Sapnap had mined most of the first rainy day.
On the second rainy day George's luck soured because the first cave dead-ended and it was a dull path until he found another one. Eventually he did, and he found five diamonds in there next to a lava river. Obviously not before trying to fit through a small side hole and mining a stone block that dropped gravel that pushed him on the edge of a block next to lava. So that was fun.

On the second rainy night George found three diamonds. The whole fucking night and just three diamonds.
He had stopped stopping for iron after getting half a stack and he had over a stack of coal just from running through it. He remembered Phil saying 'always mine your dirt' one time when strip mining, so when he came across a patch he shrugged and thought why not.
A hundred and fourteen dirt blocks and zero diamonds later huffy George decided never to listen to Philza again.

Around another day into his task, George had found four more diamonds.
He quit when the fourth iron pickaxe broke in his hands.

Running back down the tunnel was the worst. It seemed endless. He found Sapnap after lots of yelling in the dark and they wandered into Dream's fucking maze. Apparently he was so energetic he made spontaneous turns and covered a wide area instead of a long one. George and Sapnap ambled through calling his name and getting spooked by shadows and echoes until he finally popped up excitedly showing off thirty diamonds.

That was the assumed timetable since none of them had clocks.
Sapnap and Dream were lucky enough to get full diamond armor, but George would have to go back down.

For now they were taking a break and having something of a party. After all, there's nothing like a stiff drink after mining.

The thunder and lighting had stopped but rain continued to pour down. It didn't disrupt the party in the cheery wooden cabin.
They were all enjoying weakness potions, and George had the handy-dandy bright idea they make them splash potions so one was worth three.
Another side effect of the days getting longer was potion time increasing, like they found out with the invis. The extended potion that would usually last about a half a minecraft day was now almost thirty minutes, since it had stretched with their time in the caves.
So everyone had a long buzz and they threw another one whenever they thought of it, as there was no timer visible.

George was finally relaxed. He was in a giggly pile with Dream on the floor as they talked about dumb stuff like teletubbies. Sapnap was passionately swording an armor stand with his old iron set on it.

"Herrre you wanna wer mah diamonns?" Dream asked George, bobbing his head and slurring his words.

George hiccuped. "Yepado Florida Man. Cover me in diemonns."

"K," Dream laughed and half-dragged George like a giggling mop across the floor to the crafting table.

Dream started crafting and his inventory came out to float around his head like the norm now. George chuckled and poked at the stuff but his hands went through it. Dream made a helmet and put a hand on top of George's head to help his other hand direct it there. When he dropped it the motion was rather like dunking a basketball.
They both giggled and Dream helped George brush his dark brown hair out of his face.

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