58 [Suit Up]

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Sapnap stood up and winced as pain shot through his leg.

The splint was gone because they figured it had been long enough. The surface looked okay; he could walk normally. But sometimes a sharp sting jolted from where it broke and Sapnap felt like he was being stabbed.
He privately blamed George for healing it wrong.

He was blacked out at the time though, so from what George said he did a great job for the situation. Sapnap's memory was hazy.

Anyway Sapnap had eaten a golden apple when they got back, but it didn't fix it. He hadn't mentioned that it was still hurting him, since it was always bearable. They didn't need to know.

There was a long scar across his chest from the piglin brute, but it was slowly disappearing. His shirt had already re-stitched itself over the gash. That had stopped hurting, and Sapnap figured George's near-death theory was right. The marks that almost killed them were slow to fade.

The six of them were equipping everything they would need for the End.
Sapnap walked around and double-checked that everyone had at least two stacks of arrows, plenty of food, three gold apples, fresh shields and iron for new weapons, plus three health potions, one regen, two slow falling, and assorted other things.
For example, Bad and Skeppy had extra wood, and a6d was carrying all the extra potions.

Sapnap made sure a6d was only taking high-tier foods to budget inventory space efficiently, and reviewed with him his task in the End.
He was going to have two water buckets and come to help if anyone agro-ed an Enderman or needed a health boost. The rest of the time he was to stay far away from the dragon in a sheltered place and attempt to shoot it.

They had made all the potions into splash pots so they could all share the effects. Sapnap carried three harming potions for the dragon.
He also had the other swiftness potions in case George wanted to be piggybacked again.
The rest of the stackable stuff was assigned to one or two people and they would dispense it at the stronghold.
Dream and George split the pearls. George held all the Ender Eyes.

"Hold on a sec-" Sapnap placed George and Dream side-by-side again.
"What- oh." George looked up at Dream's face.
Sapnap tried to measure their heights; he squinted. "George, how many inches do you think that is?"

"Ummm I'm 5'9" and he's 6'2"... so that's 5 inches difference right?" He held his hand over Dream's head and then moved it to his own. "God, why are you so frikin' tall?" He muttered. Dream lifted his eyebrows and gave him a confused smile.
George rolled his eyes. "It seems like 4. It's definitely a lot more than before."

"Why are you shrinking George?" Dream tilted his head and stooped slightly to be at eye level.
George scoffed and pushed him back. "I'm not! You're just freakishly tall. Why do you always say that?"

Dream muttered something back but Sapnap turned around and saw Bad comparing his height to Skeppy's with a hand.
"How tall are you actually, in real life?" Bad asked.

Skeppy crossed his arms. "Taller than you."

Bad smirked. "Doesn't look like it."

Skeppy scoffed. "Yeah well the game's glitching. It probably just got it backwards."

"So you're saying, when we meet up in real life, you'll be taller?"

Skeppy averted his gaze. "Yes. I will. I'll be so tall, you'll look at me and say 'WOW Skeppy I didn't know you were that tall, that's impressive!'"

"Oh reaaaaaaaally?" Bad wasn't buying it.

"OK OK! Less talking, more moving." Sapnap said loudly. "If everyone has everything, let's go."

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