Part 10: Salvation

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Apollyon watched as her army pack their things and ready themselves for the march ahead. She saw Jürgen help an officer put food into satchels that would be put on their horses. When they finished the officer thanked Jürgen for his help and waved goodbye. Jürgen also waved goodbye.

Apollyon waved over one of her guards. The guard she waved over stood beside Apollyon and listened.

Apollyon: "Get Jürgen a horse. He will ride with Erzebet, Vortiger and I"

The guard nodded and left.

Apollyon: "When is the right time to tell you?"

Apollyon shook her head and went into her tent. She went to a wooden box and lifted the top of it open. She took out a small dagger that had a name on the guard. She smiled under her helmet when she saw the name.

'From: Astrea'

Apollyon: "One day... one day you two will meet"

Apollyon closed the box and left the tent. The guard she had ordered a few minutes ago came up to her and spoke.

???: "All of the soldiers are ready to leave, master"

Apollyon: "Good. Let's move"

The guard nodded and turned to the large crowd below.


The army of Blackstone soldiers marched out of the clearing and into the snow covered Valkenheim forest. Erzebet and Vortiger caught up to Apollyon but Jürgen was nowhere to be seen.

'Had he run?'

Thought Apollyon.

Erzebet: "There he is"

Erzebet was looking behind her and saw Jürgen slowly riding but to the three.

Jürgen: "Sorry I'm late"

Apollyon looked to her son and then looked back to the untraveled path ahead.

Apollyon: "Do not worry about it Young Wolf"

Vortiger looked at Erzebet confused. What did she just call Jürgen?

Vortiger: "What does that mean?"

Apollyon: "Young Wolf?"

Vortiger nodded.

Apollyon: "Please Vortiger just put the pieces together"

Erzebet: "Jürgen is a young and strong man. Yet he has much to learn"

Apollyon nodded.

Vortiger: "Oh..."

Erzebet playfully punched Vortiger in the shoulder.

Erzebet: "I thought my love was smarter"

Vortiger jokingly tried to push Erzebet off her horse.

With all of that Jürgen kept looking forward. He had a straight face and a look in his eyes. Apollyon had only seen the look Jürgen had in his eyes once before. His father had the same look when herself and Hans were defending a religious caravan from an attack.

Apollyon: "What is on your mind Jürgen?"

Jürgen blinked as if coming out of a trance and spoke.

Jürgen: "I've been thinking about some things"

Apollyon: "What kind of things?"

He looked down to his hands then back up to the path ahead.

Jürgen: "I feel like I don't know myself anymore. Am I truly a Warden after what I did? What is my purpose? Who arm I? Questions that I think I'll never be able to answer"

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