Cap. XIV A new member

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Felix's pov:
•saw the hunter getting his weapons ready, but this time didn't take out his claws, but just looked down. The hunter was confused• I can't with this anymore...I just wanna walk around without having to worry about my life...I don't want want to hurt anyone, but I'm forced too... •took a fighting stance as well, claws out, but then he saw that the hunter just let his weapons fall on the floor smilling• W-why are you not attacking me? •looked confused•

Chris: •giggled• You are a friendly vampire aren't you? I know you mean no harm haha.

•Felix looked shocked for a second, but nodded tho• Have you met others like me or something? •the hunter nodded and Felix felt for the first time save around a hunter, execpt of course Oswald and Zara, a bit• Thank you very much sir. I'm Felix the cat nice to me too.

Chris: •gasped• Oh my god I read your books! I can't believe I finally meet the anonymous adventure. I never thought it will be a vampire not gonna lie, but still cool! Also is it true you have a fire tiger claw mark?!

•Felix nodded and showed to mark. The Hunter's tail started to wag as he was so happy to hear it• Guess Bendy ain't the only fanboy I have hehe. Well it is still nice to meet you Chris and again thanks for not attacking, but if you don't mind me asking, who was the other friendly vampire or vampires you met? •was very curious to know•

Chris: •he put his finger on his cheek• Well while I was patrolling the biggest forest I've been through I saw a little vampire demon kissing a vampire cup head? Anyway they saw me, but didn't try to attack me, they just ran away, which to me is a good sign of a friendly vampire.

•Felix ears twiched knowing very well about who was Chris talking about. He smiled and jumped out the window• Hope we will meet again! •ran away•

Chris: Bye bye Mr. Felix! •giggled, taking out a small device. When Felix showed his claw mark, Chris touched it, but without Felix noticing he put on the belt under the shirt a small tracking device. He looked at the detector he took out, which was beeping, showing him Felix's location• Sorry wooden house, but I'm gonna change my life style a bit. I'm done leaving completely alone. I want some friends with emotions, not Mr. Grumby Fancy Pants, Enzo.

•Felix was back home and immediately ran to Oswald and Alex who were just sleeping. He smiled at the sigh and walked to the kitchen to see Zara playing with a knife. He got a bit uncomfortable. Zara saw that and sighed, stopping from playing with the knife.

Zara: Sorry...

•Felix felted a bit guilty, as he smiled• No I should be apologizing. You just very intimidating playing with a knife like that. •Zara giggled and walked away waving• Well he definitely changed a lot compare to before. Guess he got affected by his own actions a lot as well. He really isn't a bad person, just mentally unstable. Hmmmm maybe I should have a talk with him to make us both more comfortable with each other. •he saw Veres and Pengeo talk, laughing at each others jokes. He smiled at it. He saw Cuphead and Bendy kissing, as he smiled more. He also saw Mugman helping Boris with his spell studies. He thought to himself: "This is the life I wanted to live from the begging, but Enzo is still out there and who knows when we will meet again". He sighed at this thought and walked to his sleeping lover and kid•

Chris: •arrived at the small house Veres created for everyone when they left Felix's castle• This is gonna be so much fun!

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