Cap. XVI We meet again

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Enzo's pov:
•was walking around place to place, not really having a destination• Need to get my mind of those imbeciles. I swear of they die in the first second of the fight I'll go back to where I was before coming into this sad excuse of a village. •took out one of his kamas and looked at it. He fought 4 vampires so far and there was still thier blood on it• Hmmm interesting color of red on this ones. It is not as bloody as others, more like a almost normal red one. •saw a red bird fly to breach and layed there making bird noises• Huh? Small little bird. I should do more art, I'm becoming rusty at it. •gets out of his cape a piece of fine paper and uses the blood from his weapons to start painting. He was amazing at it as he represented the bird detail by detail. The vampires blood was the best way to paint the red bird anyway and even he was impressed by what came out of his fingers and just some blood• Not bad if I say so myself, but missed a few details. Anyway thanks for the visit little birdy. I'll be gone now. •walks away and sees the wooden house, Chris lived in• I think I found my apprentice's house. •without invitation he entried it and looked around• Messy, not really taking care of it, but whatever- •he then heard a beep and walked to the sound, only to find out there were 2 tracking device and this one that Enzo found had the device that he was following...the one Felix had on him• Hmm a tracking device is it? Let's see where this goes. •picked up the device and started to walk the way the device tracked•

Chris' pov:
•heard his device still beeping• Oh I'm such an idiot, I forgot to turn this thing off. •pressed the off bottom, but it didn't work• Huh? Wait no! •he quickly ran to the others• Everyone we need to get the hack out of here! Someone's is coming! •they all looked worried and confused, Chris sighted• When I got this tracking device to find out where Felix was, sorry Mr. Felix, I actually got two both bond to each other. I got two in case I would've lost one and the way the is that, if one of them is on the other will be as well no matter what and since I can't turn this one off, it means someone is definitely using the other one and I have a bad feeling I know who it is. Enzo usually visits me and if he did he probably has the device and he's coming for us. •they all looked even more worried. Some looked at Chris dissapointed• I know I'm sorry, I didn't thought this would happen!

Author's pov:
Everyone started to pack some stuff off, but they were too slow when Chris, Felix, Zara and Oswald heard some footsteps coming down and they knew. Enzo was there. Everyone nodded and even if it would cost some lives they will defeat him, so everyone took a weapon, execpt Veres, who just walked away into the library. She had a plan in her head and like always she didn't tell anyone. She wants to wait for the right opportunity. They heard the footsteps getting closer and close and when they looked out of the living's room door they saw him. Enzo the new hunter and the perfect killing machine. Everyone took their battle position, as Enzo did the same. This will be a bloody battle.

(Hehe hope ya guys liked it ✨)

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