Cap. XV The two fanboys

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Chris' pov:
entried and looked around• But I don't get it... where is everyone? The detector says it is here. Maybe it's defect. Ooh maaan c'mon not now, I wanna talk with Mr. Felix more! •his ears twich when he heard a door open. He quietly hid away and looked to see Oswald walking out of hidden door. The bunny boy walked outside for some fresh air• Oh I see! •said to himself as he ran to not let the door close entirely as he entered the complex that was hidden under the small house• Wow this is huge! How was this even created?! It looks like it took 10 years or something close to that. •he walked through many rooms and when he entried a pretty good looking one, he saw Bendy sleeping• Oh it's that demon vampire. Then I surely must be in the right place. •he didn't realize Bendy heard that as he opened one eye to see Chris walking way•

Bendy's pov:
•got up the bed silently and sneaked up on Chis and jumped on him pinning him down• Who are you and how did you get in here?! •the cat looked nervous under the red eyes Bendy was having•

Chris: I'm not an enemy! I'm not an enemy! I'm not an enemy! I'm not an enemy! I'm not an enemy! •said it so fastly, as Bendy recognised him a bit, but wasn't very sure about letting him up. He remembered he didn't attacked him and Cuphead, but he was still a hunter•

•he saw the tracking device in Chris' hand• A tracking device?! You have been stalking us! Oh shit does the crazy new hunter know our location now as well?! •was starting to get really worried. Chris immediately realized the demon vampire was talking about Enzo, as he shaked his head no• Well I really hope you're saying the true, cuz if he kills Mr. Felix again I'll tear you apart limp from limp, got it? •fully anger in his voice, as the cat hunter gulped•

Chris: Wait- Enzo killed Mr. Felix once?! How dare he kill Mr. Felix the best adventure?! Gosh it's even worst then the battle of the fire tiger! I'm sorry he did that to Felix, but I got nothing to do with I-I don't hate vampires like other hunters I promise!

•Bendy looked shocked• Do you read his books as well? •got off the cat hunter, as he nodded• Aren't they aswome?! •the cat nodded, as both of thier tails were wagging•

Author's pov:
Bendy and Chris spent most of the time talking about Mr. Felix. In the meantime Enzo was training the other hunters, embarrassed by thier incompetence, even tho they were not thaaaat bad.

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