Chapter Twenty-One

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"Okay, so the "how" works. Now we gotta figure out the when and where," Steve spoke. Gathered in the office, everyone sat down and listened as Captain America took lead with Iron Man. On the glass monitors, all six Infinity Stones were presented. "Almost everyone in this room has encountered at least one of the six Infinity Stones."

"Or substitute of the word "encountered" to "nearly being killed by one of the six Infinity Stones," Tony spoke.

"I haven't," Scott spoke. "I don't even know the hell you're all talking about."

Rebecca pursed her lips to stop herself from laughing, she then turned to Steve and then shrugged, showing that she has also had no encounter with the Stones or one of the Stones in the past, but for when they fought Thanos.

"Regardless, we only have one Pym Particle for one round trip each, and these Stones have been in a lot of different places in our history.," said Bruce.

"So, not a lot of convenient sponsors to drop in," Tony added.

"Which means we have to pick our targets," Clint said.

"Quick question," Tony spoke. "Are we sure about taking the kid?"

"Yes, we are," Steve said. "This is her fight too, and I made a mistake on not taking her with us when we faced Thanos before."

Rebecca turned to Steve and could see the look of regret in his eyes, it was because of how he made her have all that hope he put on her that they would bring everyone back. And this time, he was doing it again, and it was only right that she wasn't sitting there waiting for them to come back. She was right, she wasn't a kid, and he shouldn't have treated her that way for the past couple of months.

"So, let's start with the Aether... Thor?"

They all turned to the god of Thunder and saw him snoring in his place. Since she arriving in the compound, she has been shocked with the things she's seen – the Hulk wearing pants, Scott Lang being alive all this time, but it was Thor's sudden change that surprised her the most. The last time she saw the god of thunder he was wielding an ax with all his glory, now, he could still wield the ax but the glory was still up for debate. She couldn't take it against him though, he had a rough five years, like her. While she turned to bullets and knives, he turned to beer and Cheeze Whiz.

"Is he asleep?" Natasha asked.

"No, no, I'm pretty sure he's dead," said Rocket.

After Rocket woke him up, Thor got up to the front to explain the Aether or the Reality Stone. It wasn't the most insightful one since he acted like a drunk the whole time – applying eye drops, shedding a couple of tears when he mentioned Jane Foster, his ex-girlfriend, and then his mother. Rebecca turned to Steve, who sat beside her, and saw him slightly disappointed, but when she turned to Scott, he was fully immersed with Thor's explanation. But with all that he said, Rebecca was able to jot down a few notes on what the Aether was like. Eventually, Tony had Thor sit down and they moved to the next Stone.

It was around dinner when Rocket started explaining about the Power Stone, and everyone was eating take-outs.

"Quill said that he stole the Power Stone from Morag," Rocket began.

"Is that a person?" Banner asked.

"No, Morag's a planet, Quill's a person."

"A planet?" Scott said, completely marveled by the idea. "Like in outer space?"

"Aw look, it's like a little puppy, all happy and everything – do you want to go to space, puppy? Do ya?"

Scott shook his head. "You're an asshat."

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