Chapter 2

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"P'Godt. Sorry. I have to go now. I'll talk to you later." Bas was just about to turn around when Godt had taken hold of his wrist. "Why? What happened? Who is that?" Godt was asking when his special someone trying to leave the party right after he reaches, going after someone else, and he knew he didn't like it. He didn't want this special someone to leave just like that on his special day.

Bas was looking, no, staring at the oblivious couple who keeps on acting lovey-dovey with each other, not even caring about people around them. Obviously, they don't even realize Copter was there seconds ago. Godt was turning his head, looking in the direction of Bas's stare, and was shocked to see Bas was staring at his friend and his lover.

"I don't know he was one of your friends, P'Godt. I'm sorry, I have to go. I have to tend to my best friend. I'll call you later." Bas was prying his hands out from Godt's hold and left him right after dumbfounded.

Bas was running outside to find Copter was nowhere near his car, or near the bungalow. He keeps on calling his best friend, but his call was rejected or just left unanswered, but he just keeps on calling, while getting into his car and was driving around. Copter couldn't have gone far, and this neighborhood was hard to find a taxi.

Bas was driving around for almost an hour now, but still, Copter was nowhere to be found. He was worried for his friend, and he wished he never brought him here because he just makes things harder or worse for his friend. But still, he keeps on sending messages and keeps on calling his best friend and was hoping Copter would replied to any of it so that he knew Copter was safe and sound.


"Do you have any place to go? Do you want to go home?" A person behind the wheel sitting beside him in the luxury car was asking him politely making Copter turn to the said man. Earlier, Copter was running outside the bungalow, as fast as he could and was breaking right away once he was on a lonely road while crouching on the grass ground, pounding his chest as hard as he could. He was pouring his heart out on the side of the road, after watching the living facts his husband keeps on telling him all this time.

He knew that fact because the guy keeps on telling him how useless he was in that guy's life, how much he loves his lover, and how much the guy hates his existence. Still, all he did was trying to live his life, and just like his late grandfather-in-law had asked him to do, to fight for his right.

But still, watching his husband kissing another guy was still hurt and it felt like his heart had been stabbed a thousand times.

He couldn't breathe, and he was having a panic attack. He realizes it, but he couldn't fight it. It was just so hard to bear, and this was so difficult to face. He wanted to shout of the unfairness of it all, but who would hear him? Clearly, no one and no one even cared.

Copter felt like his life was taking out from his soul when suddenly a pair of hands was holding his shoulder and a few seconds after that, that same hand was putting a plastic bag covering his nose and mouth, and was helping him to breathe out and breathes in slowly. It took him several more minutes to breathe normally and to calm him down.

"Are you feeling okay now?" the stranger was asking Copter while still watching Copter intently. But still, Copter didn't give him any response, but to just looking at him curiously, while still trying to catch his breath. "Let's get into my car. I need to go somewhere, but I cannot just leave you like this. Come."

Copter wanted to deny this guy's offered, but he didn't have any excuse to give the guy, so he just followed him into his car. "I'll just bring you to the hospital where I work, okay. It would be better if you have an additional check-up at the hospital. I will tend to my case first, then I will take a look at you, okay. So you have to wait until then. Is that okay with you?"

The guy keeps on talking while keeps on turning to Copter while he speeds leaving the place, but Copter still didn't give him any response, but to just watch outside the window.

The stranger guy was sighing and keeps his eyes on the road ahead while sometimes he would glance on his side, wondering what had happened to this cute petite guy that makes him crying his heart out until he had a panicked attack beside the lonely road. His friend's house was not far from there, still, it was a lonely road heading to his friend's house.

"Your phone keeps on vibrating. Don't you want to answer them?" Still, Copter just ignores the stranger guy and ignores his phone altogether. He knew he was been rude to this kind-hearted stranger who was helping him, but he just needed his little space to himself now. With this stranger on his side, he couldn't even cry, though he desperately needs to.

The stranger would glance on his side from time to time. He couldn't help but watch the petite guy's profile. He didn't mean to be rude, or maybe he felt like a perverted guy, checking on another guy on their first meet, not even knowing each other, but the guy's small smile that showing him his dimple tugs his heart in a way he never felt before, that he wishes he could see it again and again.

What's with this guy, and most importantly, what's with him? The stranger was shaking his head, trying to knock his own thoughts out, but he can't help it, he wanted to see the dimple again, but the guy keeps on ignoring him making him sighing while he keeps on focusing on the road while from time to time, he would turn to the guy. He needs to be fast since he had an emergency surgery waiting.

Arriving at the mentioned hospital, the stranger was getting out of his car right away and approaches the nurse who was waiting for him in the lobby. He was an expert pediatrician, and there was an emergency case he needs to tend to that force him to leave his friend's party earlier. He was on his way to the hospital when he saw a person crouching on the ground holding his shirt on his chest, having difficulty breathing.

"Nurse Maya, please help my friend in my car settle in one of the VIP wards. I will tend to him after the surgery." The stranger guy was giving the nurse instruction while walking fast heading to the operation theatre. "Okay, Dr. Kimmon."


Once he was lying on the hospital bed in that VIP room, and when the nurse left him alone, Copter's tears had falling right away, pouring out his heart, that he couldn't shake off the scene he saw less than an hour ago, which keeps on breaking and tugging on his heart.

Copter loves his P'Tae because he is his husband. A marriage none of them had wanted in the first place. Of course, basically, he could understand his P'Tae. But, still, he was hoping his P'Tae could at least think about their status, even a little bit. He too was trying hard so that he could accept the marriage itself and for that, he was trying so hard to be a good husband to P'Tae, and to live his life in the good way possible. He has already stuck anyway, so he just had to learn to live with that fact.

He really did his best. He was trying in every way possible so that P'Tae would accept him, but seeing how he kissed another guy with so many loves and full of feelings, he knew he had failed miserably to make his husband fall for him, or at least recognize him as a husband.

Was it because of his look? Even though it was less than a minute, he could see how beautiful the guy who had been kissed by his husband is. Or was it because of his status? Or because of who he really is? Where he came from? So, his husband could never accept him as the same status as him?

So many questions, with no answers, and he probably will never get the answer he needed.

But it has been two years. Two long years. They've been married for that long, and P'Tae still acting the same as the first day he met him. P'Tae had looked at him with his disgusted look, and eyes full of hate. He stills the same, no matter what Copter did, or no matter how long they were married to each other.

'Maybe, just maybe, I will remain as someone who doesn't deserve any love.' Copter thought to himself, while his tears couldn't stop falling.

At last, Copter decided before he was closing his eyes.

End of Chapter 2

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