Chapter 4

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Godt was clueless and this situation kinda seems weird and....well, obviously he was clueless. First he was shocked and almost brought him to the misunderstanding when he saw Kimmon and Bas coming together. And then, things get weirder and weirder when Bas was out of nowhere keeps on staring, and glaring at his other bestfriend and his lover.

And Kimmon too could feel a different aura surrounding the area they were seating. It was the same couch when Bas and Copter had witness Tae had been kissing his lover. Once Kimmon realize Godt was the one who talk to Bas, Kimmon had called Godt to just wait them at his house since the lunch party was over.

He and Bas had heading back to Godt's house in separate car, though Bas could see how curious was Godt's expression seeing him arriving together with Kimmon. Bas was okay and calm all the way to Godt's house, except for the worried and scared for his best friend, until he saw the same person, who had been the cause of his friend's missing was still there. It never crossed his mind that Tae would be the other best friend of Godt.

He couldn't shake the guy's hand when Godt introduce him and his lover, Tee, but he would just stare at the guy, making Tae and Tee frowning. Godt was smiling guiltily to Tae, which Tae was shaking his head, feeling regretted he was intend to help this rude guy. He stayed behind when Godt ask him to help his not yet boyfriend's bestfriend who had said had gone missing, earlier that day. But seeing how this guy treat him and his boyfriend, he started to feel regretted he ever agreed to help.

"You don't even remember me, are you?" Bas's question straight to Tae making everyone frowned more, including Tae. He has no idea where this conversation lead him to, nor he remember knowing or meeting the guy before.

"We met once on your wedding day, when Copter introduces you to me. I guess, you never interested to know anything about Copter that you brushed off our introduction just like that."

Not until Bas had dropped the bomb.

Hearing Bas, Tae and Tee was giving wide-eyes while Godt and Kimmon was frowning hard on the statement 'your wedding day' from Bas, making both of them turn to Tae immediately.

"Married? Bas, babe. You must mistaken him for someone else. My friend Tae wasn't married yet, and they were both still boyfriends to each other. Though, I, too, was waiting for their invitation, right, Kimmon?"

Kimmon was smiling and was nodding his head. "Yes, Bas. You must be mistaken him for someone else."

"Tae Darvid of Darvid Groups Corporation. The youngest son of the two brothers and the grandson of Steve Darvid, who had died few months ago. Am I mistaken?"

Godt and Kimmon was frowning while looking at each other, and then turn to their best friend, Tae. Seeing teh guy's expression, Kimmon and Godt was getting more confused by the minute. They need the answer and Godt was the one asking though. "Are you really married Tae? Is Bas telling the truth?"

Tae couldn't response to it making Godt scowling and Kimmon was chuckling to the very weird fact of their bestfriend. What kind of situation is this?

"Seriously? And we didn't have the right to know about it? For how long? What happen to 'no secret between us' man?!" Godt was asking, almost shouting.

Bas had chuckled watching this ridiculous situation unfolded in front of him. "You both didn't know? Never feeling suspicious at all? It had been two long fucking years, and you both didn't know. And what? You want me to respect him, P'Godt, after he treated my friend like a trash?"

"Watch your words, little guy. Tae and I had been couple long before that stupid guy came between us. Tae loves me, and your friend tried to ruin what we have between us. He was the third person. He took my place, and he took my Tae!"

Bas couldn't help but to laugh out loud. This is so....uhh.

"Oh yeah? What did he told you? That Copter trapped him into marrying? Or Copter was forcing him? Or what? Tell me." Bas was provoking the Tee guy when he insulted his bestfriend fro something he never do.

"You don't have any right to talk about me and my marriage. Who the hell are you?!" Tae was the one asking, no, shouting at Bas's face.

"Show a little respect to him, Tae. He is my boyfriend!" Now, Godt stopping Tae from keep on harassing Bas. Tae then turn to Godt.

"Boyfriend? Wasn't he just the next sex tools to you?" hearing Tae, Godt couldn't help but to punch him in the face.

"Watch your words!" Godt was screaming and Tae was about to punch Godt's back when Kimmon had scream his heart out, making Tae stopped on his action.

"Enough!" everyone had turn to Kimmon.

"Tae, if you still think that we are your friends, you need to tell us the truth now. And I want to hear from the both side of the story, not the making up story you gave to Tee, Tae. I don't give a damn whatever you do to your life, but we want the truth right now."

Kimmon had delivered his words vehemently making all of them taking their seat back. Once everyone had calmed down, Kimmon start to ask question.

"So, Tae. Are you really a married man? And that, for two years already now? Care to tell us now or you still want to keep it from us?"

Tae was sighing. He was holding Tee's hands and was looking at Tee, as if asking Tee's permission whether to tell or not, making Bas gritted his teeth watching those two, and how unfair it was for his friend.

Tae then turn to Kimmon and was looking at Godt once and turn back to Kimmon. His left cheek still burning from the punch earlier.

"My late grandfather had force me to marry that guy if I want my inheritance. I don't know what that guy have done to my grandfather that the old man even change his will so that I should marry him and never let go of him if I want my part of inheritance. I have to, you know how much that inheritance means to me."

"And you dare saying you were force to get married? You chose to marry Copter for your stupid inheritance, when Copter doesn't have a choice like you have, you bastard!" Bas couldn't keep it in much longer and was screaming on Tae's face after hearing th every fact the guy marrying his friend and make his friend suffered in that cold big mansion.

"You think your grandfather was a good man? He wanted Copter for you, and he was angry when Copter refused his offer. He hired thugs and even gangster to kidnap Copter and turn him into a whore or maybe taking out his organ to be sell, if he still refused his offer. Left with no choice, he had to marry you, you bastard!" Bas had stopped for a while to take in his breath, and to calm himself down. How his heart break so much for his friend while Tae was shocked to the truth he just get to know.

"You never knew about it, do you? Because you never care! To you, Copter was the one trapping your grandfather, because, what? He was an old man? Your grandfather was a powerful man, do you really think Copter could control him? We were only orphan, we couldn't understand why your grandfather went as far as he did to Copter, but you! You are a lot worse than your grandfather. Living with you was like living in hell. You never treated Copter as human. To you, Copter was never existed. He tried! tried so hard so he could live like a person should in that mansion of yours...but never care...why....why....why..."

Bas was breaking down right away and Godt was fast hugging him, and trying to calm him down. Kimmon was wiping his tears...he could relate, seeing how much Copter was crying at the side of the road, though he didn't know why, it was still heartbreaking to watch it.

"He was still trying his hard and still hoping that one day you will at least treat him as a human being. He didn't ask for much, though I know how much he loves and care about you...but you....seeing you kissing another front of his eyes must have hit him hard on his reality....."

Bas was continue crying a little bit more before continue his words again. "Please, I know you hate him, it's okay if you don't love him. Please, find him for me....I couldn't find him anywhere. You have the power to do have all the sources to search for him....I will not ask you for anything, but please, help me find him so that he could come back to me...please...he is the only brother I had...please...please P'Godt, help me find him..."

The end of Chapter 4

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