Chapter 38

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"This is the analysis of the amount spend in the last five years based on the report sent to the shareholders. And this figures is the analysis of the statement of money spend in each department for the same time span. I realized there was a 'miscellaneous' amount in every report and every year for the last five years, the amount was getting bigger and bigger. Those miscellaneous amount were actually the money spend without proper documentation and most of it were from marketing department. Mrs. Vanida, care to explain this amount of spending?"

Seeing the analysis explain by Copter, Vanida's face got pale instantly, and that it crossed her mind in a light speed how regretful she was when she wasn't listening to her husband's warning. Never crossed her mind this boy would make that kind of analysis since the rumor she heard about the boy was the opposite. She was relax the moment she heard the rumor, and was confident that the boy was useless.

Well, now that her name had been mention, he wasn't useless after all. She was swallowing her saliva when all the eyes in the meeting room turn to her. She tried to turn to her husband, but the guy was just giving her his straight face, indicating that he actually acted like he told her before. 'Using this chance to get rid of me? You stupid guy, don't think I will let you do this to me. I'll make sure to drag you down with me.'

"Mrs. Vanida, care to share with us the reason of spending the miscellaneous amount here?" Copter was asking her once again, calmly. It was the meeting day that everyone had been introduced to him formally. It was early in the year that every department's director need to present their department's performance as well as the planning for the incoming year.

"According to your report previously I was actually anticipating the mention of the miscellaneous amount spending, but it never came. As a general department's director, I would have to demand reports and proper documentation from you. If you fail to do so, I'm sorry, I have to take legal action according to the procedure. I have also sent this analysis report to our board of shareholders and soon, the shareholders meeting will be hold to discuss this. You have until that time to prepare your documentation, still, I would advise you not to make rash action since I have my documentation and all evidence along with my analysis here."

Knowing that she couldn't counter much, Vanida had standing up from her seat, still with all the attention on her, she shouting at Copter. "You brat! Don't you think you have the power to bring me down! This is ridiculous! All of you shouldn't blindly trusted this boy!"

Some of the people present were cringe to the shouting of her, some of them knew about all her activities, though just shaking their head to that ridiculous action of her. In fact, she never did her job right, but since she is one of the shareholders and the wife of the company president, they couldn't do much, nor they have the courage to do anything. In a way, they glad Copter was brave to do so.

Tae was having an unreadable expression. He wasn't having a nice relationship with her, and she never really cared about him, but still, she is the mother he had, and somehow what's happening now tugged his heart a little. But he didn't want to ponder on it, and just let Copter take proper action to nullify all this improper situation. She had been enjoying far too long already now.

"Calm down, Vanida. Sit, and let us finish this meeting first." Thanachit said, trying to ease the situation. With glaring still focused on Copter, Vanida took her seat back, but not before glaring to her husband too.

"I don't know why with all the cursed throwing at me, Mrs. Vanida. You and all the person inside this meeting room know that I only did my job according to my job description. And about the report been sent to the shareholders before the meeting, you were aware, right, about the independence my department had in accordance to the company policy. And I'm not sure why, Mr. Thanachit, that yearly audit from the auditing consultant never deals with general department in this five years and that the auditing consultant firm was change at that same time too. So, as per this year, and starting this year, for the auditing process, the auditing firms will be scan by us and the auditing process will be done through us."

Thanachit was half-expected for this, though the report and the rumor saying different thing, that he almost caught off-guard. Giving his straight-face, turning to Copter, he knows better than anyone that Copter, as Director of General Department had the right to make that decision. He was nodding his head to that.

"It's your decision anyways. Thank you Copter for the analysis report. Mrs. Vanida, we hope you could prepare a proper documentation, or not, you will face with legal action. But since this will affect the company's reputation, Mr. Copter, I hope you could persuade the board members to reduce the punishment, as long as the media will never involve."

"According to company policy, the least punishment was to strip her from her position, and if there is any share, she had to give it up as a payment back to the company account."


"You hold that kind of power? Why I didn't know about it?" Tae was asking Copter when they were back to their office after the meeting. The shareholders meeting will be held a week from now, and Tae knew, his stepmother had no choice but to comply with the decision. She will resign and she will have no shares to hold on to.

"It's the change of policy for the general department late grandfather had done not long after he knew about Tee. Not many people knew about it since he was scared it will rise any conflict. It was the agreement with the board members, and of course, your dad knew about it too. If not, the place wouldn't be vacant for that long."

Copter was taking his seat at his table while Tae taking a seat in front of him. Wuttichai was playing with his phone on the couch, ignoring the husbands having their own conversation.

"And how did you know that?" Tae was squinting his eyes at Copter, thinking that there were still a lot of things Copter didn't tell him. "Dad told me. He was the right hand man for grandfather remember? And don't look at me like that. I told you everything already, at least things you need to know."

Tae was still squinting his eyes, eyeing Copter. "So, there are still things that I don't know, huh?" Copter was laughing a little while shaking his head. "No, nothing from me. Are you going there today?" Copter asked, changing the topic.

"Of course. I want to make sure he wakes up, and he will get an earful from me. He really good in keeping secrets, I will make sure, this time, I will squeeze all the secret out from him no matter what."

Tae was telling like he was trying to make a joke, yet he knew he was determined, and Copter could hear a little sad and disappointment in his tone, making him smile a warm smile. He knew Tae had never forget about Tee. He knew all this time how much Tae loves Tee, no matter what.

"Doctor will tell us right away if he had any respond. You don't have to worry much, P'Tae. But I guess, he needs moral support from you. You are the one he loves just like he is the one you loves. I hope the power of your both feelings will give him strength he needed to wakes up. And I can't deny, we also need him to solve all this mess. He played an important role, and we hope he will help us."

"Cop, I don't mean to interrupt, but...." Wuttichai's voice taking the attention of Copter and Tae which both of them was turning to him with questioning look.

Instead of saying something to ease both their curiosity, Wuttichai came closer to them and showed his phone to both of them making Copter gape and Tae cursed under his breath.


End of Chapter 38

FORTUITOUS LOVE CHANCEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora