Chapter 12

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The sun was just rising, and the view that came with it was so beautiful that Kimmon enjoys the view to his heart content. He would enjoy this kind of view almost every morning, unless if the weather was too windy, or rain, he would spend his entire morning here at the beach, enjoying the beautiful sunrise this island could offer before he opened his clinic. He already develops his own routine, after a week living on this island.

Just like Godt had said, he was actually a little bit nervous to live here on the island, considering the difference in the way of life compared to the big city of Bangkok. But, after been here for a week, he could get used to life here pretty quickly, much to his relief.

He took his time a little bit more, enjoying the view that somehow could soothe his hurtful heart.

He knew he was been ridiculous. Oh, of course, he knows how ridiculous he was acting up till now. Being frustrated over someone who wasn't even his, and what makes things more ridiculous than that is that he just met the guy once. Once!

Since then, he had thought about these ridiculous things a lot. Maybe the main reason for all of this was that he was mad, or frustrated, or blaming, he wasn't sure, that he didn't get any chance to nurture the feelings he felt the first time ever in his life.

He guesses he didn't care if he was rejected later, or if he had to love the guy one-sided even, he thinks he still will feel happy, and the feeling will never be as worse as this, as long as he had given the chance to love the guy in his own way. But his chance is....... and Copter? He deserved to be love but for him to die that way was makes him feel a lot worse than he could imagine.

Kimmon was wiping the tears which had fallen down every time he thought how pitiful Copter was, and how unfair it was for he had never been given the chance for his love. He took a long deep breath and trying to calm himself down.

Kimmon then was standing up from his sitting position on the beach sand, about to turn and leave, when he saw a young man was jogging in front of him, passing him by feet almost hit by the waves, not far from where he was seated. Even though he was just met Copter once, he knew the guy, because the face of his lost love had been crafted deep in his heart. At the first glance, of course, he knew what he saw.

Kimmon was running fast, like, really fast, without any care for the world but to the guy he just saw, running after the familiar figure who was jogging with headphones on his head, not intended to let the guy lost from his sight once again. As desperate as he was, once reaching the guy, he pulled his hand right away, shocking the guy that he almost stumble down, turning around facing him with a scowl and angry face.

"What the...! Are you crazy?!" The guy was screaming at Kimmon's face right away and at the same time pulling his hand harder out from the hold of that crazy guy he thought when he saw a handsome unfamiliar face right now, almost making him fall down.

"Copter! Copter! I knew it! You are alive. I know you are alive. Of course, you are....." Kimmon kept saying the words making the guy he called Copter was frowning hard watching him. the guy was putting up his palm close to Kimmon's face, making him stop with his strings of assumptions.

"Look, mister. I don't know you, and I don't know who the h*ll is this Copter you keep on saying his name is, but sorry to disappoint you, I am not the guy you thought I was. I'm not the guy."

Kimmon was shaking his head, and still was trying to hold the guy he called Copter's hand which the guy keeps on pushing on it, hard and harder every time to the point he felt annoying and he thought this guy was just crazy, though he looks handsome, at some point.

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