Chapter 45

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Copter was trying to open his eyes, but it feels really heavy than usual. He tried to open his eyes once again, but to greet by unfamiliar space, which is not his this hospital?

"Baby....." the next thing he saw was anxious face of Kimmon lingering above him, checking his condition, asking non-stop question that he took his time to understand every single of it. Once he realize where he is, he was trying to sit up while groaning, and Kimmon was fast helping him to it. Still, his head was hurt and of course he was wondering why he was here in the first place.

"Where is this P'Kim?" Copter was asking while trying to fix his seat and Kimmon was still helping him to it.

"You don't remember anything?" hearing Kimmon's question, Copter was trying to think hard to remember things. He was making a lot of faces making Kimmon smile to that. He is relieved his baby is fine.

He didn't want to repeat that feelings all over again. The feel he had the moment he saw the sight of Copter's head and body full of blood coming out of the ambulance, the sight of Copter who wasn't conscious and wasn't replying to him no matter how many times he was calling the guy.

He was so worried he thought he could die worrying!

When the doctor, his father's junior, told him that Copter's condition is stable and he was been treated in normal VIP ward, he breath out a heavy relieved breath. At least, his Copter suffer nothing major, all he needs is recover all his wounds, which is not fatal. Just a physical wound, nothing to worry about, or so he thought.

"Hmmm....the last thing I remember is that we were on the way to see your father, P'Kim. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you about it, and is he mad I couldn't make it? Wutt okay? Did we crash or something? I remember we were taking a different route than usual."

Copter's voice was taking Kimmon's attention once again, but Copter's words is making Kimmon's frowning hard.

"Baby, what day is today, you think?" Kimmon was asking Copter, knowing the basic question he needs to ask to better understand Copter's mind state.

"Hmm...Friday? Or...maybe Saturday? The meeting was on Friday, so I might be out last night, so...Saturday, right?"

Kimmon was trying to keep his smile for Copter, even though he was worried about Copter's condition right now, but the medicine practice had thought him so much that he knows how to handle this kind of situation, even though the one he face is his love of life.

"Are you sure you don't remember anything after that trip to see my father? Anything about us, maybe?"

Kimmon was also trying to make Copter remember their first special moment, though at the same time he didn't want Copter to remember the kidnapping incident...ugh.

"About us? Oh....about the things posted on the company's website? Don't worry about it too much P'Kim. It will go away, and besides, I already thinking it through and I think if I and P'Tae could show some lovey-dovey moment after some time, people will forget about it."

"You want to be lovey-dovey with him?" Kimmon was actually out of focused, he knew it, but he can't helped it.

Copter was smiling while shaking his head. "It was just an act, P'Kim. Don't worry, and don't think about it too much. It is so that people won't blame you and we could take our time. We still didn't know who the bad guys is, so we need to be extra careful. And certainly, I didn't want you to be the target."

Kimmon was pouty a little bit, disappointed not only had his baby forgotten their special first time, but also he wanted to be lovey-dovey with Tae instead. But then he was so grateful that Copter actually think through things considering him.

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