Chapter 20: Court

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Κῆρες's pov - 9 years later

"I guess this is it..." I said to myself in despair, "The day when I have to face the court because of something that damn Galen accused me of. Why did he even do this to me? He knows I would never do this...ever." 

I hope this goes well...though it probably won't. I thought to myself before heading out the door. I closed the door and locked it. Please...let this go well. I walked over to my car and got into drive to court. Please.

When I drove to court, there was a man standing on a stage and holding the wooden hammer. When I looked around, I saw Ἰωάννης and Dēmḗtrios sitting on the sidelines. I continued to look past them and I was surprised to see Ach sitting on the chair with a worried expression.

What's Ach doing here? How did Ach even know that I was going to be here? I looked around more and there were many faces I didn't recognize until I reached one face...that made me regret ever coming here. It was Galen's face. I was furious at just seeing his face there. What made it worse was the smirk on his face as he looked at me. will pay for all of this. I will get revenge on you.

"Glad you made it here, Κῆρες Christodoulopoulos." The man holding the hammer suddenly spoke to me.

I jumped and quickly turned to face him. I responded to him with a nod and sat down on the chair in the middle of the court. The man looked down at me from the stage. He took the wooden hammer in his hands and slammed it down loudly on a small platform on his desk. He then placed the hammer down lightly.

"The meeting shall be adjourned." He spoke again.

Two other people walked up from behind him. I think those are his assistants or something...I've never been to court before. This is much more pressured than I thought...especially with Galen here. I turned to look at Galen, who was still smirking evilly at me.

"We have a document here," A man beside him gave a document to him and he held it up so everyone, including me, could see it, "and there is clear proof that you signed it." The man looked at me for a response.

Oh, that document...the document I signed so carelessly saying I killed my own father... Why did I sign it... I thought to myself. I'm so stupid! Well, there's nothing I can do now...I can only just go along with it.

I hesitated for a while before responding with, "Yes, I did sign it..." I nodded a little bit as I spoke.

"Alright." The man passed the document onto the other man beside him. He then grabbed a recording on his desk, "Here, we have a recording that Galen has shown us years ago." He held it up again so that everyone could look at it.

I looked around for Galen's face and found it buried amongst all these people. He was beaming with confidence. What could this recording even be about? I never admitted or said anything that would have gone against me. I nodded to the man holding the recording to show I was listening.

"It's about a call between you and Galen." The man prepared the recording and played the recording.

There's nothing I even said that would go against me...especially not in a call I've had with Galen...

"I'll play it now." The man began the recording. I waited as the recording was about to play.

"Hello?" I heard Galen's voice in the recording.

"Look." my voice was a little bit muffled but I could still understand what she said, "You tell anyone about this and you're as good as dead."

What is this call? I never even called Galen before saying those words...I would never say those words. Does this mean the court actually believes this fake recording?! I looked at the man playing the recording.

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