Chapter 21: Power

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Ἀχλύς's pov

        Where did Ker go...if she doesn't show up here then she'll be executed. Please...gods please help us. We did absolutely nothing wrong! I thought to myself. I looked around as I waited for Ker to arrive. There were two people sitting with each other in strange yellow and blue suits. Then I looked to my left and saw...Galen. He sat there with a smirk on his face as he looked at the judge. Finally, I saw Ker walk into the room with a confused expression. She looked around at the audience and I saw her gaze locked on those two people sitting together. I saw her shift her gaze and look at Galen. Her face immediately scrunched up in disgust and irritation.

        Ker...please be okay today. I promise you, this is NOT a moment when you want to mess up. I thought as I saw Ker look at me. Ker seemed confused for some reason.

        "Glad you made it here, Κῆρες Christodoulopoulos." The judge spoke finally after a really long time.

        Ker nodded a little bit and sat down on a chair. The man looked at Ker for a while. He then took the wooden hammer in his hands and slammed it on the desk. It was extremely loud and it echoed across the room for some time..

        "The meeting shall be adjourned." The judge said as two other people suddenly appeared behind him.

        "We have a document here and there is clear proof that you signed it." The judge held up a document. The words were too far away and I couldn't see exactly what it said. All I saw was the two letters: K and A written big on the document.

        "Yes, I did sign it..." Ker sounded really disappointed and sad.

        I wonder what happened...what is that document? I know they held up the document and all, but I couldn't see it at all.

        "Alright." He gave the document to a person next to him and he held something else in his hands. that what I think it is?! I glanced over to Galen to confirm. Galen was grinning evilly. There's no's the recording. That dumb recording that Galen used to modify and give to the court!"

        "Here, we have a recording that Galen has shown us years ago." The man held up the recording to everyone.

        Oh no...this might be the end for Ker. This might be the most frustrating thing ever! I just keep watching Ker suffer...there's nothing I can do...

        "It's about a call between you and Galen." He continued to talk.

        Oh no....please don't... Ker nodded slowly with confusion still in her eyes. Poor Ker...she doesn't even know what's coming her way. I want to help her so bad! I looked at Galen. But that bastard will definitely stop me...

        "I'll play it now." The judge slowly played the tape

        I heard the recording a second time.


        "Look. You tell anyone about this and you're as good as dead."

        Ker...please. You HAVE to find a way out of this or else you're dead. You don't know how much I want to help you right now. I sighed and closed my eyes.

        "W-what do you mean?" Galen said in the recording.

         "If you tell anyone I killed my dad then I'm going to kill you.".

        "W-what...I...I'd never tell anyone. I p-promise."

        I can't bear to watch this again... I tried to cover my ears as much as possible, trying not to hear anything, but I caught Galen looking at me. I looked at him and smiled. There was no way out of this.

The Names - Book 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora