The First Chapter

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I felt like a mannequin as I gazed at my reflection in the mirror. Minda had definitely surpassed my expectations. The red velvet mermaid gown I wore was absolutely breathtaking.

It had glitter sparkling on every inch of the fabric and silver sequins were adorned at the neckline of the gown.

My hair had been styled formally but beautifully and I was satisfied with my look.

But my look for the evening didn't settle down the unease I felt. I did look beautiful but I was uncomfortable. It was officially the first time I'd be introduced to the elite society as the granddaughter of Ricardo and Emelda Salvador and I couldn't help but wonder what people would think about me.

"Calm down, Alma. Everything will be fine. You've gone through your training perfectly. There's absolutely nothing to worry about."i I was snapped out of my thoughts by Minda's words. I noticed her at the door staring at me with concern.

Minda was my personal stylist. She catered for my whole look from my hair to my makeup and the clothes I wore.

She'd been with me ever since I started my training at age eighteen. Now at twenty-three, I was perfect in my endeavors just as my grandparents wanted. Grandfather had made sure I'd get the best of the best and she was Minda.

"I hope so, Minda. I've come too far to fail now."I said smiling from my vanity.

Everything would be fine, I assured myself. I just had to embrace the change and I believed I'd be alright.

"Anyways, you have just five minutes before the event starts. You better get your feet in those heels."she spoke, wiggling her eyebrows.

I groaned in despair as my eyes fell on the new pair of stiletto heels that had just been ordered hours ago. They were a beautiful shade of red, matching the colour of my gown but then even with beauty came danger. Even after the amount of training I'd gone through, I still dreaded wearing heels, especially stiletto heels. They made my feet wobble and ache terribly and also almost had me twisting an ankle.

Sighing, I beckoned her to help me put them on. With much effort, I managed to stand from my seat,all the while bearing Minda's mocking laughter.

My feet wobbled lightly as I stepped out of the room. The event was being hosted in our mansion here in New York.
From upstairs,in the dark, I could spot a number of people in the ballroom in all manner of elegant clothing with rich mannerisms.

Noting this, I had to do my best not to disgrace my grandparents before these many guests although all I wished for was to be clad in my usual attire not having a care of what the world thought about me.

But in the world of the rich, you lived to please others and not yourself. Your life and privacy was invaded like bacteria invading one's immune system. Your permission wasn't sought ever in anything and you had to live your life as if you were a robot who could only be controlled.

I inhaled a breath as my grandfather began his welcome speech.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you all to the 35th annual charity ball hosted by me. It is with great pleasure that I extend my thanks to you all for acknowledging my invitation. For the previous years, these balls were hosted,a forum to gather money to help various cancer patients who couldn't afford to pay for their treatment. However this year's event is particularly special. Not only is it a charity ball but it is also at this event that I'll officially introduce my long lost granddaughter and heiress to the elite society. Ladies and gentlemen, with a round of applause, meet my beloved granddaughter, Regina Alma Salvador."

I found many pairs of eyes on me as I stood at the top of the staircase that led to the ballroom. My grandparents stood at the foot of the staircase, smiling in encouragement.

Taking it as my cue, I slowly descended the stairs making sure not to trip on the folds of the gown.

However as ill luck would have it, I unexpectedly tripped when I was almost at the bottom of the stairs. I could hear gasps of fear and horror as I plummeted forward hoping that whatever injury I attained wouldn't be severe.

But I never landed on the ground but on a body. I heard groans beneath me and I opened my eyes to see my saviour.

My eyes didn't prepare me for what I saw. Beneath me were two bodies belonging to the same people I never hoped to meet again.

Alan and Axel.

Hey lovelies. How are you all doing? Hope you're well.

This is the first chapter of this book. I hope you liked it. What are your thoughts on the chapter?

Lemme know in the comments section. Also don't forget to drop that little star down there for me.

Love you all


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