The Twentieth Chapter

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Coming back to the USA wasn't something I'd anticipated at all.
Yet here I was sulking in the backseat watching the little drama Minda and Toby were putting up.

"Would you both quit making kissing faces at each other? Tobias, you should be focusing on the road, I don't want to die soon."he grinned at me and turned his attention to the road.

I stared at the files sitting on my lap.
The answers to my questions were right here but I couldn't open them.
I didn't know what I'd see and that was pushing fear into my heart.

However the thought of my father's murder had me flipping open the first file.

It was on Hugo Elmer.

Mr Hugo Elmer is the first son of Anthony and Hillary Elmer. He...

I flipped open the next page. That's not what I wanted to know.

The page contained detailed scenes that spelt the fact that Hugo Elmer was a very violent person.
I moved to flip to the next page when a name caught my eyes.

Sasha Darren.

My mother. What did my mother have to do with Hugo?

I read the paragraph which contained my mother's name and what I read shocked me.

My mother had been paid to marry my father.

How was that possible?

"It's all because your grandfather found out his son married a woman who was after his money."
Axel's words played repeatedly in my mind.
Did this mean he was right?

My mother just couldn't be a gold digger. She was too much in love with my father to even think about his money.

I wouldn't believe this.

I flipped to the next page looking for evidence to help me. I needed closure on my father's death.

The words my eyes fell on made me still.

How could that be possible?

After the accident that claimed Mr Mariano Salvador's life,it was later found out that his best friend, Mr Hugo Elmer who was also in the car at the time of the accident was never found.

His body was missing, but after seven years he was declared dead.

Currently, Mr Hugo Elmer is been housed in a mental asylum far from human civilization due to his overly violent nature and a disorder he suffers from.

Mental asylum.

Hugo Elmer never died.
He was still alive.

If he was alive,it meant someone had kept him in the asylum but who could it be?

This was definitely not good.

"Gina, Gina are you alright?" I snapped my head up from the file and looked at Tobias and Minda.

They were both staring at me in worry.

"We've been calling you for a while but you weren't responding. We're home now."

My eyes then flickered to the window, staring at the huge building. The mansion looked the same but I wasn't sure about the people.

I sighed and stepped out of the car as Tobias helped me with my luggage. The interior of the house remained cold as usual.

I don't know why I expected to have a warm homely feeling when the people in this house barely exhibited love amongst one other.

The shattering of glass pulled my attention to the staircase.
My mother stood atop, tears running down her eyes as she rushed down engulfing me in a big hug.

"Oh my baby, it's really you. Oh goodness, where have you been? I thought I'd lost you."she muttered in my hair before she pushed me back to scrutinize my appearance.

"Alma you can walk now."she clamped a hand over her mouth in disbelief as more tears ran down her face.

"Yes Ma. I'm fine now."

"Thank goodness you're fine. You're fine and healthy."she took a hold of my hand dragging me up the stairs.

"Your grandparents are going to be so happy seeing you."

A smile made a way to my face as I observed her.

I wouldn't believe anything that file had said. I trusted my detective but not everything was true.

My mother was no gold digger and I wouldn't let anyone change my mindset on it.


"Mr Elmer, here's your coffee."I bid a thank you to the waitress and let my thoughts wander.

I was in the cafe Alma and I always met in.

I don't know why I still came here, maybe it was because I felt she was close whenever I was here.

My mobile rang and I instantly picked it up.

"Any news Carl?"I asked the detective.
I hadn't let Tobias know about him this time.
He could possibly be hiding Alma somewhere. I didn't know what game he was playing but I was definitely not letting Alma get hurt.

"Yes Sir. Miss Alma Salvador is currently in the USA. I'd been following Mr Tobias Salvador today and he picked up two women from the airport, one of whom is Miss Alma."

My eyes widened in confusion. Something wasn't adding up.

Alma was back and Tobias had picked her up from the airport.
If he was hiding her, he wouldn't pick her up.
Then why had he paid off all the other detectives?

"Are you certain, Carl that one of the women was Alma?"I didn't want to raise my hopes up.

"Yes Sir. It was definitely her. Unless she has a twin but if not it's her. She's the exact woman in the photograph you gave me."

"Thank you Carl."I ended the call,my mind in jumbles.

I needed to find out why I was being played.
I guess I'll be visiting the Salvadors soon.

Chapter 20 is done. Alma's back home and she's learnt some interesting things from the evidence she's got.

Hugo Elmer is apparently alive and he's in the asylum.
What do you think exactly happened on the day of the accident that killed Alma's father?

Alan learns of Alma's return to the USA and he's planning to visit the Salvadors soon.
What do you think he's planning to do?

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section.
Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed the chapter.

Love you all,


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